Chapter 50

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Christmas morning, Lily is woken by the twins yelling

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Christmas morning, Lily is woken by the twins yelling. "Oi! Presents!"

Lily turns to look at the twins, glaring at them before pointing at the door. "Out." she tells them.

"Presents." Fred repeats.

"Okay. But get out so that I can get dressed." Lily tells them, making them smile before they run out of the room causing Lily to sigh. "I swear, they're going to be the death of me."


Apparently, Ron had the same idea to do to Harry because when Lily gets downstairs from opening her presents, she sees Harry and Ron sitting in the living room, Ron sat in his Weasley sweater, Harry in his own whilst also holding onto a broomstick. "Harry. Why did you go and waste your money on that, especially at Christmas too?" Lily asks him, her arms crossed over her chest covering part of the L on her red Weasley sweater.

"Lily. I didn't spend any money on this. Someone got me a firebolt for Christmas." Harry tells her.

"Oh. Cool," Lily says. "Wait. What do you mean someone gave it to you? Who gave it to you as a present because everyone we know has very little money."

"That's the thing. It didn't come with a note. It was just this." Harry tells her.

"Okay. Now hand it over." Lily tells him.

"What?" Harry asks shocked, Ron objecting at the same time.

"Harry, we don't know who gave that to you and until we either find out who gave it to you, or find out if it's not jinxed I'm going to hold onto it before handing it to Professor McGonagall after lunch." Lily says.

"Just like Hermione." Lily hears Ron mutter.

"And I would hope so. You boys should know better than this and I'm glad that Hermione does." Lily says before walking out of the common room to meet up with the twins as they're getting breakfast.


"Merry Christmas!" Dumbledore says as Harry, Ron and Hermione approach the table at lunch. "As there are so few of us, it seemed foolish to use the House tables... Sit down, sit down!"

Lily is sat down next to Fred, George beside him. She's slightly annoyed at the timing of the moon as she was hoping to spend Christmas with him again. "Crackers!" Dumbledore says enthusiastically, offering the end of a large silver noisemaker to Snape, who reluctantly takes it and tugged. With a bang like a gunshot, the cracker flies apart to reveal a large, pointed witch's hat topped with a stuffed vulture. "Dig in!" Dumbledore advises.

As Lily goes to grab some peas, the doors of the Great Hall open again, Professor Trelawney gliding towards them as though on wheels. She has a green sequined dress on. "Sybill, this is a pleasant surprise!" Dumbledore says, standing up.

"I have been crystal gazing, Headmaster," Professor Trelawney begins. "and to my astonishment, I saw myself abandoning my solitary luncheon and coming to join you. Who am I to refuse the promptings of fate? I at once hastened from my tower, and I do beg you to forgive my lateness..."

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