Chapter 76

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It's safe to say that by the time the next Hogsmeade trip, the weather has warmed up, so Lily feels warm enough to just wear a leather jacket with a pair of trousers, a set of boots and a red tank top

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It's safe to say that by the time the next Hogsmeade trip, the weather has warmed up, so Lily feels warm enough to just wear a leather jacket with a pair of trousers, a set of boots and a red tank top.

Fred walks next to her as they walk towards Hogsemade. Fred holds onto Lily's hand, swinging it back and forth. "So, what's going on in that little head of your?" Fred asks.

"Nothing, just thinking," Lily hums.

"About what?" Fred inquires.

"Nothing," Lily tells him, trying to get him off topic because in actual fact, she and Angelina are trying to plan something for the twins' 17th birthday, and with both Angelina and Lily dating both of them, they know that they have to do something amazing for them.

"So, what would you like to do today?" Fred asks, knowing that Lily might want to do something more relaxed.

"I think that we could nip into the three broomsticks for a bit whilst we wait for Angelina, George and Lee before Angelina and I have to nip off somewhere so you boys can go and do something on your own," Lily tells Fred.

"And may I ask what you and Angelina are doing?" Fred inquires, tickling Lily's side, making her squirm in his hold.

"N... No. Stop," Lily laughs, trying to wriggle away from him. "Please... stop..."

"I will... but ony if you tell me what you're going to be doing," Fred bargins.

"Never gonna happen, Fred," Lily laughs.

"Well then, I think that I might just have to..." Fred begins, reaching over to tickle Lily once again but before he could get to her, Lily squeals before beginning to run away from Fred. "Get back here!" he exclaims before running after her.


A while later, Lily walks out of the Three Broomsticks, Angelina looping her arm through Lily's. The two begins walking up the high street of Hogsmeade, Lily filling Angelina in on everything that she needs to get done before Fred and George's birthday. "Are you sure that we're even allowed to be doing any of this?" Angelina asks, unsure. "I mean, are we allowed to book the entire pub out for the twins' party?"

"Ange, I've already asked Madame Rosmerta and she's said that it's fine with it. She loves the twins and is willing to give them a birthday they will never forget," Lily explains.

"Alright, but where are we going?"

"We have to pop into Zonko's because I have to grab an order that I requested a few months ago because I needed them to be personalised," Lily explains.

"Okay, and can you explain what the plan will be because I will be lost when it comes to their birthday?" Angelina asks, causing Lily to sigh and nod her head.

"Okay. So, the plan is..."


April 1st rolls around sooner than what Lily had hoped. Well, sonner than she had wished because she feels that she hasn't gotten enough ready for the twins' birthday. Yet, she knows that even if she started preparing in December, she would still feel like this so after grabbing her gift from her bedside unit, she sneaks out of the girl's dormitories, and into the boys'. She closes the door, making sure not to slam it before making her way over to Fred's bed. She places the present on the table next to Fred's bed before sitting down, in the small space between his chest and the edge of the bed. Lily stares down at her boyfriend, his hair a mess across his face and his pillows. Lily reaches over and brushes his hair out of his face whilst a smile creeps onto her face. She leans down and places a kiss on his lips yet as she pulls away, a sigh escapes from his lips. "Morning," Fred whispers, a smile clear on his face.

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