Chapter 29

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The next morning, I walk down to the common room with the fire salamander in my hand, to see Fred and George sat on the couch that is in front of the fireplace

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The next morning, I walk down to the common room with the fire salamander in my hand, to see Fred and George sat on the couch that is in front of the fireplace. "Alright, what are you two doing up at this hour?" I ask them, looking at my small wristwatch to see that it's only half-past seven when both Fred and Goerge don't get out of bed until half-past eight, quarter to nine. "We're waiting for you so that we can give Professor Kettleburn the salamander back before breakfast." George tells me and I look at him confused.

"Alright. What's going on with you two? Neither of you is ever up this early in the morning unless your mother wakes you up or if you're planning a prank so I'm thinking that you're planning a prank. So, what is it?" I ask them suspiciously.

"Nothing." Fred says and I look at him with a 'seriously?' look on my face. "Lily. We're serious. There's no need to be paranoid. And besides, if we were planning a prank, we would still be in bed with it done last night."

"Fine." I sigh in defeat. "Let's go and give this salamander back to Professor Kettleurn then." I tell them before we walk out of the common room and down the lawn to where Care of Magical Creatures takes place to find that Professor Kettleburn isn't there. Sighing, the three of them trek their way back up to the castle and into the Great Hall to find her sat at the teacher's table next to Hagrid. I sit down at the Gryffindor table after handing George the salamander and looking right at them. "You two have to go up there and give Professor Kettleburn her salamander back. She must be worried sick. And you had better apologise." I order them, giving them a stern look and they nod their heads before walking up to the teacher's table and then about a minute or so later, they both come down and sit down beside me. "Done. Better now?" Fred asks me, giving me a nudge.

"Lots." I tell them before beginning to have some breakfast.


By the time Halloween comes around, I am in a different state where I'm happy that it's my birthday yet I'm also quite depressed as it's been 11 years since mum and dad had been killed by Lord Voldemort. I sit in the Great Hall by myself with a slight frown on my face. I turn my head when I hear someone sat next to me. "Lily? Are you alright?" Hermione asks me from the left side of me.

"Hermione. You know what the day is so what do you think?" I ask her, snapping a bit but once I realised I snap, I apologise, "Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you."

"It's alright, Lily. And I'm sorry about what happened to them but do you want to tell me what happened to them that night?" she asks me and I shut my eyes for a second before nodding my head. "I'm sure you already know everything about that evening, 'Mione." I tell her which causes her to shake her head.

"Lily. I know what happened to Harry's parents but no one knows what happened when you find out." she tells me and I nod my head before turning to her slightly. I turn my head to look at her. "Well, I was out trick or treating with my Uncle and the killing happened when we were walking home. We didn't see the light or anything because we got there about ten minutes after the killing." I begin before turning to look in front of me and then back at Hermione. "And once we had gotten to the house, I had seen that the house was blown to pieces which caused me to run into the house to make sure everyone was okay and when I entered, the first thing I saw was my dad, lying dead on the floor. At first, I thought that it was a joke but then after Remus walked in, he told me he wasn't playing so I ran upstairs, upset, and ran into Harry's room to make sure that he was alright, which he was, but I saw mum on the floor, dead, which made me even more upset. Causing me to cry, which caused Harry to cry. I went over to him and picked him out of his cot, trying to calm him down and then I noticed the lightning scar on his forehead, I asked Remus about it but he said nothing. However, as soon as Remus had heard a motorbike engine, he forced me out of the house and then took me back to his house but he said that we couldn't take Harry so we had to leave him there." I finish explaining to Hermione and she nods her head.

"Lily. I'm so sorry. I didn't know you went through all that." she apologises and I shake my head. "It's fine, Hermione. Now, I'm going to head to lessons." I tell her, getting up from the table to walk out of the Great Hall but Hermione gets up and follows me. "But, surely, you would've had to have had to have a psychiatrist to help?" she asks me and I nod my head.

"I did. I had four." I tell her, walking down the corridor.

"Four?" she asks me and I nod my head. "Why?"

"I kept biting them." I inform her. "Telling me that everything will be alright." I tell her and she nods her head. "Alright then."

After a while, Hermione leaves me to walk to my lesson alone so that she can get to her Transfiguration lesson.

After a while, Hermione leaves me to walk to my lesson alone so that she can get to her Transfiguration lesson

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