Chapter 60

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Lily has been at the Burrow all summer. Uncle Remus thought that it would be a good thing for her to stay there because of everything that happened at the end of the school year. It also meant that she would be under constant supervision and wouldn't go searching for Sirius.

However, on about August 8th, three owls fly through the kitchen window during breakfast. One lands in front of Fred, one in front of George and one in front of Lily. A letter is attached to each of the owl's ankles. The three take the letters from the owls before they fly off through the window. Lily turns her head to Fred and George to see them having already opened their letters before their faces turn into bright smiles before they cheer. "Get in there," Fred says before they turn to Lily. "What did you get flower?" Fred asks. Lily smiles slightly at this. Fred had recently started using the nickname 'flower' when talking to Lily; each time, it just makes her smile when she hears him call her that.

"I... uh... I don't know. I haven't opened it yet," Lily says, holding her still shut results in her hand. "And before you tell me to open it, I don't think I'm ready to... my entire future depends on me getting the grades I want and if I don't get them, then I don't know what I'm going to do."

Lily sets the envelope down on the table in front of where she is sitting. "I... I just think I'm going to leave it for a few days and then open it. It's just too much pressure right now."

And with that, Lily gets up from the table and walks upstairs. Fred and George look at each other for a moment before George reaches forwards to grab the envelope sitting where Lily was but it's snatched from his reach by Mrs Weasley a few seconds before. "W... Mum!" Fred and George complain.

"You two leave this alone. Lily doesn't want it open and I'm hoping that you two will respect that. Now let me see those results," Mrs Weasley says before taking both Fred and George's results from their hands.


"Lily. It's Molly. Can I come in?" Lily hears Mrs Weasley ask as she knocks on the door.

"Yeah," Lily says just loud enough for Mrs Weasley to hear. She's laying on the bed, her arms under her pillows whilst her head lays face first into them. The sound of the door opening and shutting a few seconds later. The bottom of the bed dips slightly just a few seconds later.

"Now, tell me what's wrong. I heard some of what you were telling Fred and George but not all of it," Mrs Weasley says making Lily turn around on the bed so now she's lying facing the ceiling.

"I just feel that... that if I don't do well on these exams, my life will be over..." Lily sniffs.

"Aw. Lily, it's alright. Nothing will happen. Do you want me to read them out to you?" Mrs Weasley asks making Lily nod her head.

"Please," she whispers, a small smile appearing on her face. The sound of parchment being ripped is heard a few seconds later, followed by Mrs Weasley.

"Pass grades. O – outstanding, E – exceeds expectations, A – acceptable," Mrs Weasley begins. "Fail grades. P – poor, D – dreadful and T – troll."

With this, Mrs Weasley stops for a second. "Are you sure you want me to carry on?" she asks as Lily crosses her legs and sits up. Lily just nods her head.

"Lilith Elizabeth Potter had achieved: Ancient Runes – O. Arithmancy – O. Care of Magical Creatures – O. Charms – O. Defense Against the Dark Arts – O..." Mrs Weasley says. With each Outstanding grade, Lily's smile grows wider. "Potions – O. Transfiguration – O."

"Lily. Sweetheart. You got all Outstanding's. That's amazing. A lot better than how Fred and George have done. But that's besides the point," Mrs Weasley says.

"The... the point is... is that your career isn't over and neither is your life and you will be an amazing Auror later in life."

"Thank you, Mrs Weasley," Lily whispers before pulling her into a hug.

"You're most welcome," Mrs Weasley says as she pulls out of the hug. "Now, you do want to go downstairs and boast to Fred and George that you're better than them?"

"Yes, I suppose. I do feel like that would make me feel better," Lily says making Mrs Weasley smile. And with that, they both get up from the bed before leaving the room.


"What the shit, Lily. That's amazing!" Fred says, lifting Lily into the air and spinning her into the air causing her to let out a laugh before she is set back on the floor. Yet as soon as she's put back on the floor, it seems as if the world stops for her. Fred is just stood there, their faces only a few inches apart. She can feel him breathing on her, the smell of peppermint toothpaste fresh from his mouth. She looks into his brown eyes.

However, a moment later, she steps back coughing and looks down at the ground and back up. "Uh, yeah. It is. So... what are you doing today?" Lily asks as George looks between Fred and Lily suspiciously for a few seconds not knowing what is going on between the two of them.

"Oh, uh. George and I were going to play some Quidditch with Ron and Ginny. She's gotten quite good you know." Fred says.

"Yeah, she enjoys taking someone's broom from the broom shed and going to the top of the hill and practising by herself, sometimes with me if I'm free," Lily tells the boys.

"Oh. So that's where you're disappearing to all the time then, right?" George asks, sitting down on the sofa.

"No. Not all the time. I've been reading some of the books that Mrs Weasley has here, along with helping her tidy the house because it seems as if no one else will help her do it," Lily explains to the body.

"Why?" Fred complains, sitting down next to Fred whilst Lily sits on the floor in front of them. "Now she'll expect us to help her do them and we don't want to help clean the house because we're got our business to make."

"Yes, well, you should be helping her. You do live here and make the mess, you have to tidy it up yourself," Lily says before standing up again. "Now, whilst you are going to play some Quidditch with your siblings, I'm going to go upstairs and sort myself out before going for a walk. So, I will see you all at lunch."

And with that, Lily leaves the room and goes upstairs.

And with that, Lily leaves the room and goes upstairs

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