Chapter 58

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As they exit the tunnel, Lily notices how dark it is now

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As they exit the tunnel, Lily notices how dark it is now. The only light is coming from the distant windows of the castle. Without a word, they set off. "One wrong move, Peter," Lupin says, threateningly ahead.

Silently they tramp throught the grounds, the castle lights growing slowly larger. Snape is still drifting weirdly ahead of Sirius, his chin bumping on his chest. And then –

A cloud shifts. There is suddenly dim shadows on the ground.

Snape collides with Lupin, Pettigrew and Ron, who have stopped abruptly. Sirius freezes. Lupin has gone rigid. Then his limbs begin to shake as they once did when Lily witnessed his transformation. "Oh, my –" Hermione gasps. "He didn't take his potion tonight! He's not safe!"

"Run," Sirius whispers. "Run. Now."

"Leave it to me – RUN!" Sirius screams as he catches Harry around the chest and throws him back into Lily.

Everything happens so fast for Lily and she can't seem to comprehend what's going on.


Lily sits in the common room after dropping Ron off at the hospital wing, her mind going over everything that has now happened. Lupin has run off into the woods. Pettigrew has escaped. Sirius is going to have the Dementors kiss. Ron's in the hospital wing getting his leg fixed.

Her eyes are fixated on the fire in front of her. "Hey..." Lily hears someone say from behind her. She turns her head slightly to see Fred stood to the side of he sofa. "You alright?"

Lily shakes her head slightly before turning back to the fire and leaning back into the sofa. Lily feels the space next to her sink down before an arm is put around her neck and she's pulled into them. "It's going to be okay Lily. Everything fine," Fred whispers, pressing a kiss to her head.

"My brother is annoying," Lily mutters, just loud enough for Fred to hear.

"What's he done now?" Fred asks.

"He's taking everything to heart and I don't even think he'll talk to me because I was taking Sirius' side," Lily tells him.

"Sirius? As in Sirius Black?" Fred asks.

"Yes Sirius Black. He's Harry's godfather and Harry thought that when I started saying that Sirius is innocent, he thought that I was helping him get into the castle," Lily says.

"He's innocent? Merlin, I didn't think he was," Fred says.

"Yeah. He's innocent. Scabbers was Peter Pettigrew. He transformed after blowing up the wall and killing all those people and cutting off his finger. But anyway, I'm not sure what Harry's going to do when he sees me next."

Harry's P.O.V:

"You are – truly your father's son, Harry... and forgive Lily will you. She's done nothing wrong. She cares for you more than you know."

Sirius' words rings through my head as I head back to the common room the next morning. "Harry. Are you alright, mate?" Ron asks me.

"Yeah. Just, do you think Sirius is right? That Lily's done nothing wrong?" I ask Hermione and Ron.

"Well, I mean, she was protecting Sirius from you last night. She knew him longer than you so she's grown close to him. She's always going to want to protect him, right?" Hermione asks Harry.

"I guess so. But -" Harry begins.

"Harry. You've got to apologise to her mate. She's not going to be around for the rest of your time here you know. She won't be able to protect you when she leaves," Ron says cutting Harry off.

"Ron's right, for once. You've got to apologise before it's too late," Hermione says as they walk up the stairs towards the Fat Lady portrait. Hermione says the password, the painting moves to let them in and they enter the common room.

"Okay. I'll apologise when I see her before dinner," Harry says before going up to his room to get changed.

3rd Person (Lily's P.O.V):

Lily walks around Hogsmede with Fred, Angelina, George and Lee. She's laughing at something that Lee has said. "I know. But just think, two years from now, we'll be done with school for good," George says.

"That's easy for you to say, George. I'm going to be learning even more because I'm becoming an Auror, remember?" Lily asks him, making Fred shake his head.

"Just remember, we've still got two years like Lee said," Fred says, a mischievous smile erupting from his face as he wraps an arm around Lily's neck. "We've got to enjoy it as much as we can."

And with that, fireworks explode in the air over the school, making Lily look up at them and then at Fred in confusion

"You planned this didn't you?" she asks him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Fred says making everyone else in the group laugh as Lily shakes her head.

"Oh. You enjoy this don't you?" Lily asks.

"Yeah I do. It brings me joy to see your face all annoyed," Fred says.

"You're an evil person, you know that, right?" Lily asks making Fred gasp and put his hand on his chest.

"I never knew," Fred gasps. "It keeps me up at night knowing that I can do this to you every single day."

"Whatever. Let's just head back to the castle. It's too hot out here," Lily says before grabbing Fred and the group walks back up to the castle together.

 It's too hot out here," Lily says before grabbing Fred and the group walks back up to the castle together

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