Chapter 69

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Weeks pass after the champions are selected, and it seems as if the entire school apart from Lily, Hermione, Lee, Angelina, Fred and George have turned their backs to Harry

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Weeks pass after the champions are selected, and it seems as if the entire school apart from Lily, Hermione, Lee, Angelina, Fred and George have turned their backs to Harry. So it isn't a surprise that on the day of the first task, Lily is waiting outside of the champion's tent, Angelina waiting a few feet away for her. "Harry," Lily whispers before walking into the tent. She finds Harry stood in the tent and when he sees her, she pulls him into a hug. "Good luck today, Harry. You're gonna be amazing," she whispers to him, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I'll see you out there. And just remember that we've got your back."

"Thank you, Lily," Harry whispers, squeezing her before letting her go and she walks out of the tent.

"Everything okay?" Angelina asks as Lily walks over to her.

"Yeah. Everything's fine," Lily tells her best friend. "But, let's go and find Lee and the twins up in the stands."


It's safe to say that after the Cedric battling his Swedish Short-Snout, Fleur Delacour battling her Welsh Green and Krum battling his Chinese Fireball, when Charlie brings out the final dragon, the number four around its neck, Lily stares at it for a moment, in pure shock. She couldn't believe that her brother would be fighting a Hungarian Horntail, the most dangerous dragon there is. "Don't worry. Harry'll be fine. He's your brother after all and he's defeated You-Know-Who numerous times before and has fought against Dementors and a werewolf. This isn't anything to him," Angelina tells Lily.

"I know. But shouldn't it be normal for an older sibling to worry about their younger siblings?" Lily asks.

"Have you met Fred and George? They don't give a rats ass about Ron," Angelina tells her, making Lily laugh.

"That's true," Lily says.

"Hey!" they hear someone say from behind them causing them to turn around and see Ron stood behind them.

"Sorry Ron," Lily tells the youngest male Weasley. But, when they turn back around, the two girls but out laughing. Soon enough, they quieten down as they see Harry walking out, looking around the stadium. The crowd starts making noise as they all spot Harry but even from where Lily is, she can't make out if it's good or not. And suddenly, Lily sees Harry lift his wand, pointing it back towards the castle and shouting something. Lily turns her head back towards the castle, trying to find out what he yeled for. And then, she hears it, speeding through the air to the side of them. Harry's Firebolt comes hurtling towards them around the edge of the woods, soaring into the enclosure, and stopping besides Harry. He swins his leg over the broom and kicks off from the ground. And a second later, he flies into the air. Lily watches as he looks down at the dragon and the golden egg before he dives. The Horntail's head follows Harry and a jet of fire is released and if Harry had not swerved out of the way not seconds before. However, but the next time dodges a flame from the dragon, the Horntail swings its tail out and as Harry swings one way, the spikes on the tail grazes his shoulder, ripping his robes. Harry begins flying higher as the Horntail's head rises with Harry, its neck stretching. Harry rises a few more feet before the Horntail releasing a roar of exasperation. It shoots fire into the air, which he dodged. And then she spreads her great, black, leathery wings and Harry dives back towards the dragon. One quick swipe and Harry soars out over the stands with the egg under his uninjured arm. "Look at that!" Bagman yells. "Will you look at that! Our youngest champion is quickest to get his egg! Well, this is going to shorten the odds on Mr Potter!"

"I told you he could do it," Angelina tells Lily whilst Lily continues yelling in contragulations. The dragon keepers rush over to subdue the Horntail, and over at the entrance to the enclosure, Professor McGonagall, Professor Moody and Hagrid to meet Harry.

Harry flies back over the stands and comes to a smooth landing before disappearing back into the tent with McGonagall, Moody and Hagrid. And before long, she sees her brother appearing back from the tent, Ron stood in the shadows. Madame Maxime raises her wand in the air and a long silver ribbot shoots out of it, twisting itself into a large figure eight.

Crouch shoots a number nine into the air. Dumbledore also shoots a nine into the air. Ludo Bagman shoots a ten whilst Karkaroff shoots a number four. The crowd cheers through all of this. 40 overall – not bad. It's the same score Krum has so that's not bad.


By that evening, however, Lily feels a lot better about everything that happened today so when the twins and Lee came back with heaps of food from the kitchens along with Butterbeer and a few firewhiskey's for the five of them, Lily doesn't hesitate to join in on the fun. However, without Angelina realising it, she ends up drinking both Angelina's and her Firewhiskeys, making her slightly tipsy. Fred however, after Harry opened the egg, she finds Lily stood by the fire, looking out at everyone, holding a bottle of butterbeer. "Hey, Lily," Fred says, standing next to her.

"Hi," Lily whispers.

"What's wrong?" Fred asks.

"I... I'll m... miss all this after we leave..." Lily begins before stopping for a second. "... next year."

Lily takes a step forwards, but stumbles causing Fred to grab onto her and pull her into him. "Come on, let's get you to bed," Fred tells Lily but she frowns at him.

"Party pooper," Lily pouts at Fred.

"Cute, but not gonna work on me. Come on, upstairs," Fred tells her, wrapping an arm around her waist before beginning to walk over to the stairs. "Ange! Come here. I need help!"

The two trek up the stairs, Angelina following after them. "Fred. What do you want?" Angelina asks, slightly annoyed.

"Can you take Lily up to your room so that she can sleep off the alcohol?" Fred asks.

"Yeah. Okay. We'll see you later," Angelina says, taking Lily from Fred to head up to the girl's dormitories and Fred decides that he had better head up to bed as well.

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