Chapter 17

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Lily's P.O.V:

The first thing that I feel when I wake up is my head resting on something hard. Wait. This isn't my bed. I open my eyes quickly and look around the room. I sigh in relief when I see that I'm in the boy's dormitories. I look up at the other person in the bed and I smile when I see Fred sleeping beside me, peacefully. He looks cute sleeping. I think to myself.

I slip out of bed carefully, not wanting to wake Fred or anyone else up. I walk over to the window and see the sun just rising over the Forbidden Forest. I look back over at Fred before walking out of the dormitory and heading back to my dormitory with the other girls. I walk over to my bed, my face beginning to turn a slight shade of red as I realise that I slept in the same bed with Fred. I eventually squeal quietly because of it before getting back out of bed and getting dressed into my robes, grabbing my satchel with my books, quills, ink and parchment in before walking out of the room. I grab one of the new books that I got for Christmas and begin to read it down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I sit down at the table, still reading, I grab a few croissants and begin to eat them.


After about an hour, because, honestly, I was up way too early, I put the book back away in my bag, checking I've got my homework for Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration before getting up from the table and towards the Great Hall doors. My hand travels up to my neck, subconsciously reaching for my necklace down my shirt but I don't feel it. My hand travels around my neck for the chain but I can't feel that either. I begin to panic because this necklace is the only thing that I have from my mum and I've just lost it, meaning that I've just lost the one thing that I love the most.

I pull my satchel up slightly whilst opening it. I begin to push books, quills, ink bottle, books and other things around the bag trying to find it but I don't find it there so I move to the pocket on the front of it, I reach into it, hoping to feel it but I don't. I don't look where I'm going and the next thing I know is that I hit a hard chest and I'm staring up at the ceiling. "Whoa. Lily? Are you alright?" Fred asks. I prop myself up on my arms, glaring at him. "George, doesn't she seem a bit angry?" Fred asks, looking up at George.

"Well. Somebody's never been to Scotland," I scoff, sitting up straight and grabbing my satchel and my things that have fallen out of it before standing back up.

 Somebody's never been to Scotland," I scoff, sitting up straight and grabbing my satchel and my things that have fallen out of it before standing back up

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"Aww. Is little Lily in a mood?" George asks me like a child.

"I'm not in the mood, Weasley's. Just leave me alone," I tell them, slightly annoyed at myself before walking away from the twins.


I slump down into a chair in the common room with a sigh before putting my arms on the table and resting my head in them. "Lily. We need to- What? Lily, what's wrong?" a familiar voice asks me. I hear the chair next to me move and then a hand on my back. "Hey, it's okay. It's going to be alright. Just, tell me what happened."

"I- I lost my necklace," I cry into my arms.

"Was it a gold chain with a red apple hanging down from it?" he asks as I lift my head off my arms to look at him to see Fred next to me. Well, quite close actually. "Yes? Why?" I ask, wiping the tears from my face.

"I found it in on my bed this morning," he says, pulling the necklace from his pocket and holding it up to show me. I smile at him feebly as he pulls me into a hug. "Thank you," I mumble into his chest.

"You're most welcome," he tells me, pulling away from the hug as he hands me the necklace, but I hand it back to him not even a minute later. "What are you doing?" he asks me before I turn around so my back is facing him. "Can you put it on me?" I ask him, moving my hair out of the way. "Um, yeah. Okay," Fred stutters as I smile.

Fred places the necklace in front of me before grabbing the two ends and putting them behind my neck and clipping them together. His fingers brush up against the back of my neck as he places the chain on my neck before I let go of my hair and turning to look at Fred. Our faces are so close together once I turn my head that I can feel his hot breath on my face. "Hi," I whisper to him, smiling which causes Fred to start smiling.

"Hi," Fred whispers back as our faces inch forwards ever so slightly but I turn my head to the side before they could get any closer. "Um..." I cough. "Well, thank you, Fred. By the way, I'm sorry for yelling at you and George this morning when you came to breakfast," I apologise.

"It's, uh... It's fine," he nods, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Well... I... I have to... I have to..." I stutter, gesturing to the common room entrance/exit.

"Yeah. Well, see you later, Lily," Fred tells me as I get up, grabbing my things and walking out of the common room.

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