Chapter 24

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Later this week, everyone is outside after I've said bye to them whilst Uncle Remus is inside the kitchen with Molly and myself and my trunk. "I'll see you soon, Mrs Weasley," I tell her, hugging her before walking over to the fireplace, waiting for Uncle Remus so that we can go back to the cottage. "Thank you for taking care of Lily, Molly. Once again, I'm grateful," Uncle Remus thanks, Mrs Weasley.

"It's no trouble, Remus. We love Lily. It's no problem," Molly tells Remus and he nods his head. "Well, thank you again, Molly. We've got to go through," Remus tells her before walking over to me. "Ready?" he asks and I nod my head before we get into the fireplace to head home.


The end of the summer vacation comes too quickly for my liking. I had been looking forward to getting back to Hogwarts but the last two weeks that I've spent with Uncle Remus have been the best, however, I'm looking forwards to seeing my friends again. I sit in the compartment that Fred, George, Lee, Angelina and I sit every year. I sit in there for about half an hour before Lee and Angelina come into the compartment and then a minute before we are due to leave, Fred and George burst into the compartment. "Where were you?" I ask the boys when they sit down whilst the train begins to move.

"Ginny kept forgetting things and mum and dad got into a fight about the car," George tells us and I rest my head on Fred's shoulder. "Why were they fighting about the car?" I ask George. "Dad wanted to have the car fly us to Kings Cross with the Invisibility mode on the car but mum wouldn't let him," George answers me and I nod my head.

"I wouldn't blame her after what you two did earlier this summer," I tell them, lifting my head off Fred's shoulder. "I agree with Lily. You two messed up. Big time," Angelina tells them and I laugh slightly. "You told her?" Fred asks me and I nod my head.

"Yep. What else was I supposed to do? Leave her in the dark about everything that's happened this summer?" I ask the boys and they shrug.

"Anyway, how was it being back at your uncle's?" Angelina asks me.

"Not bad. I missed him a lot more than I thought I did though," I told her.

"W... Wait. How does she know about your Uncle and we don't? She got to meet her and we haven't?" Fred asks.

"I... uh... I can't explain why you haven't met him but you will... soon," I promise them, turning my head to look outside of the window at the meadows on the way to Hogwarts.


I turn my head as the compartment door opens and I see Hermione stood in the doorway. "Have any of you seen Harry or Ron?" she asks us and I shake my head.

"No. Sorry, Hermione," I tell her but I see something out of the corner of my eye so I turn my head to see a blue Ford Anglia. W... What? "W...Wait. Hold up. Isn't that your dad's car?" I ask the twins, pointing at it from the window.

"Yeah, it is. What's it doing out... no. Never mind. Hermione, we've found what you've been looking for," Fred tells her and Hermione moves over to the window to see Harry dangling out of the window with Ron holding onto him. "What the?" Hermione asks.

"Oh. Them two are going to be in so much trouble when I see them next," I growl out in anger before sighing and leaning my head on Fred's shoulder to calm me down. "Hey. Lily. Calm down. They're going to be fine. In trouble, but fine," Fred tells me, trying to calm me down. "I know, I just don't want them getting hurt on my watch. Your mum and dad are trusting me to look after the two of them whilst we're here and I can't do that when they're purposely getting themselves into danger," I sigh and Fred rubs his hand up and down my arm. I end up shutting my eyes and giving myself a rest whilst we finish the way to Hogwarts.

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