Chapter 82

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The following day, Lily sits downstairs in the Great Hall, waiting for Angelina to finish talking the people already on the Gryffindor Quidditch team about tryouts as they need a new keeper due to Oliver Wood having finished to prior year. She had talked to Fred and George about it as they came down to breakfast and the only person she hadn't talked to about it was Harry. By the time she comes back over, both Fred and George disappear over to Ron, Hermione and Harry, having heard Ron say something about Skiving Snackboxes.

"I honestly don't know why you allowed Fred and George to put up that notice on the noticeboard in the common room," Angelina comments, looking over at the boys.

"Neither do I. But I do believe that Hermione's going to have something to say about it. And if she does, the boys know to send her my way," Lily tells her.

"Well, don't call your bluff too early. Look," Angelina begins, pointing down at Hermione to see her getting up from her place and making her way towards her. "here she comes."

"I can't believe that you're allowing Fred and George to advertise that on the Gryffindor notice board," Hermione says, Lily rolling her eyes sightly.

"Look. Hermione. Fred and George are just looking for some help with their business. Besides, I'm only allowing them to have it up for this week before I take it down on Saturday," Lily tells her with a sigh.

"I'm not going to allow them to test their products on other students. Let alone first years," Hermione says, Lily raising an eyebrow at the girl.

"Really? And you're going to go against what your head girl is telling you? Really Hermione?" Lily questions in shock.


"Hermione. I may be head girl but I'm not going to stop my boyfriend and best friend stop themselves from building their business so that when they leave school at the end of the year, they will have a business and customer," Lily says to the younger girl. Without anything else to say, Hermione stomps back off to her place by Ron and Harry, Fred and George now walking back towards them.

"What was that about George being your best friend?" Angelina questions in a joking tone.

"Well, he's my best male friend. But you will always top him, in all ways," Lily tells her, Angelina laughing at her.

"Don't worry. I wasn't worried at all. After all," she begins, flicking her hair over he shoulder. "I am fabulous."

Both girls break out into a fit of laughter as Fred sits down next to Lily and George sits the other side of Fred. "What are you two laughing about?" Fred questions, wrapping his arm around Lily's waist as they finish laughing.

"Nothing. But Lily just told off Hermione so that was something," Angelina tells them, making Fred smile down at his girlfriend.

"What? I told you to send her my way if she had any issue with anything you two are going to be doing this year. Besides, you were the one who told me that I should try and relax more this year," Lily reminds Fred, making him roll his eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah," Fred says sarcastically.

"Your schedule, Miss Potter, Miss Johnson, Mr Weasley and Mr Weasley," McGonagall says, handing each of the schedules as she says everyone's name. As McGonagall walks away, Fred and George swap the schedules over, McGonagall having handed them the wrong ones.

"You would think that after six years, she would know the difference between the two of us. Merlin," George mutters, Angelina and Lily laughing at this.

"Come on, we'd better get to Herbology. We were late down and I'm not allowed to let Lily be late," Fred says, getting up from his seat with both his and Lily's bag. Lily slowly gets up from her seat, following Fred out of the Great Hall, leaving Angelina and George sat at the table.

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