Chapter 2

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8 years later

Lilith Potter had come to terms that her parents were dead. Her Uncle Remus had helped her get over it and now, she was on her way to Hogwarts.

Sitting down in one of the carriages of the Hogwarts express, she pulls out Hogwarts: A History and starts to read it again. Her Uncle had always said that she was like her mother, except for her eyes. She had her father's eyes. But she had known that ever since she had seen a picture of her mother and father.

Closing the book and getting up to get changed into her robes, she notices three people stood in the doorway. Two redheads and one dark-skinned boy "Yes?" she asks.

"All the other compartments are full, can we join you?" one of the redheads asks.

"Oh, of course. I'm just gonna head to the loo so I can change into my robes. Make yourself comfortable," I tell them, picking up my satchel and walking out of the compartment and heading to the loo to change my clothes.


Heading back to the compartment with my uniform on, I see the boys in the compartment still, playing a game of wizards chess. "I wouldn't do that," I tell one of the redheads who just moved. The other redhead moves a chess piece and hits the other redheads piece. "Sorry. Where are my manners? I'm Lilith Elizabeth Potter but I prefer to be called Lily. What are your names?" I ask the boys, sitting back down and getting my photo book out of my bag that Uncle Remus gave me before I left this morning. "Fred Weasley," Fred says.

"George Weasley," George says.

"We're twins," the Weasley's say at the same time.

"Nice to meet you, Fred and George. And you?" I ask the boy sat by George.

"I'm Lee Jordan," the boy tells me and I nod my head.

"Well boys, I think we will be very good friends," I tell them and I open my photo book, looking at the picture of all of my family.

"You miss them, don't you?" I hear Fred ask.

"So much, but it gets easier. Uncle Remus always told me that they never left me. They're with me. Always. In here," I say, pointing to my heart.

"And I'm guessing that's Harry? Your brother isn't it?" he asks, pointing to the baby boy in mums arms.

"Yeah. My little brother. I miss him like crazy but I know that I will see the little one soon. He's nine at the moment. I send him birthday and Christmas presents every year. Muggle post obviously but I have my uncle cast a spell on it so that it Petunia and Vernon can't touch it. Only Harry can," I tell the boys, shutting the book and wiping the few tears that have rolled down my face.

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