Chapter 73

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To say that after the Yule Ball that Lily is happy would be an understatement

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To say that after the Yule Ball that Lily is happy would be an understatement. She is over the moon that her and Fred are now dating. She also found out that Dumbledore and McGonagall bet on them, causing McGonagall to earn ten galleons from Dumbledore at the end of the evening. In all fairness, she wasn't even mad about it because she knew that someone would have bet on them getting together, so she wasn't mad that McGonagall won the bet. However, throughout the rest of December, Lily was in a complete state of bliss, especially after what happened the day everyone get back to school.

Lily sits in the common room, her work on her lap, trying to concentrate on it, but finding it impossible, especially with Fred, George and Lee playing exploding snap, and one of them yelling whenever they didn't get a snap. She sighs, putting her quill down and the stopper on the ink bottle, preventing it from spilling before setting her work down besides her and sitting back on the sofa to watch the boys play their game. It ends up going on for another ten minutes before Lee ends up winning. Fred and George end up leaning back, George leaning against the footrest behind him and Fred leaning in front of Lily. "Ha. You can't beat me! I'm the King of this game!" Lee exclaims, getting up from the floor and dancing around the common room. Fred tilts his head back to look at Lily whilst she looks down at him, her hands starting to play with his hair.

"Better luck next time, baby," Lily whispers before pressing a kiss to his lips.

"You guys are just disgusting. Sickenly disgusting," George grimances. Lily and Fred lift their heads before looking over at George, bursting out laughing.

"Hear that Lily flower. We're disgusting," Fred jokes.

"I know. But if we're disgusting, what does that make George and Angelina?" she asks Fred, glancing over at George slightly.

"Oh ha ha. You're just jealous that I actually had the guts to ask out Angelina and you didn't," George shoots back.

"Well..." Fred begins before trailing off, not being able to think of anything to say.

"Ha. Got you there," George says, pointing at the two of them.

"You're really annoying, you know that right?" Fred asks George making him shrug his shoulders.

"Yeah, I know," George says, a smirk on his face. However, nothing else could be said between the twins due to Lee hopping over to us, a huge smile on his face.

"What's got you so excited?" Lily asks him.

"Hogsemeade trip first weekend back," Lee smiles.

"Thanks for the heads up mate," George says.

"So, we going as a group or are we gonna go off on our own?" Lee asks.

"We can sort that out some other time, Lee. But right now, I challenge you to a game of wizards chess," George says, pointing at Lee. Fred gets up from the floor before moving Lily's work onto the floor by him before sitting where it was. Lily turns her body sightly and lays her head on Fred's lap before he begins playing with it.

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