Chapter 83

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Lily sits in the library after having just stormed out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. All through her years at school so far, this is the first time she's spoken against a teacher and stormed out of the class. But she knows that as Head Girl, it's not the greatest thing to do but she can't be in that class whilst that bitch stands there and criticises everything that has happened in the past five years.

So as she sits in the library, reading through her Defense Against the Dark Arts book whilst making notes, she also has another bit of parchment to the side as she writes a letter to her godfather. She swaps the parchment before continuing with the letter.

Dear Uncle Moony,

I don't know if you will be hearing this from me or if Professor Dumbledore or someone else has let you know already, but the new Defense Against the Dark Arts, Dolores Umbridge, has been talking shit about you. And I know that I shouldn't have done what I did but I had and there's no way to reverse what I have done.

Basically, I had spoke back to her because she had called you a 'half-breed' and 'dangerous' and I know that speaking up against someone from Ministry is a bad idea but I couldn't just sit there and allow her to shit talk you.

You had taught me to voice my opinion and not to be quiet and that's what I did. I know that it wasn't the right setting but I wouldn't stand for it.

I'm pretty sure that Professor Dumbledore is going to take my title of Head Girl away from me but I couldn't really care less at the moment. This is the first time since I've been at Hogwarts that I've spoken up against a teacher and if it's taken away from me then so be it. It's the first offense I've had.

And I know that you'll probably tell me off because of this and I can accept that but I'm trying to make sure that I attempt to relax this year and don't let it get to me, especially due to the fact that I've got my N.E.W.T.S at the end of the year but I don't actually think that will be possible due to the pink toad (Umbridge) being here.

Hope you're not too mad.

Love from,

Lily xx

Lily folds the letter up, finally finishing it before putting it to the side. She pulls her other parchment back before turning back to her class book.


Arms wrap around Lily's waist as she sits in the Great Hall for lunch. She leans her head to the side, resting it on Fred's shoulder. "You okay?" Fred whispers.

"No," Lily whispers back.

"You want to talk about it?"


"Want to talk about it later?"

"Please," Lily whispers. Fred nods before pressing a kiss to Lily's head.

"Lily. That was –" Lee begins to say as he, Angelina and George make their way over to Fred and Lily. However, Fred shoots him a look causing him to shut up. Fred moves one of his hands to Lily's arm before beginning comfort her. Angelina sits in front of Lily, Lee to the left of Angelina whilst George sits to the other side of Angelina.

"Can we not talk about it?" Lily questions in a whisper, the three opposite them nodding their heads. Lee, Angelina and George begin digging into their lunch whilst Fred looks down at Lily in concern. Other than a few slices of toast at breakfast, he hadn't seen Lily eat anything at all.

"Flower, you need to eat something," Fred tells the girl.

"I can't," Lily tells him.

"Can't or won't?"

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