Chapter 55

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The happy feeling that Lily felt after the Quidditch final doesn't last for even five days because Professor McGonagall has now given out the O

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The happy feeling that Lily felt after the Quidditch final doesn't last for even five days because Professor McGonagall has now given out the O.W.L exam timetable


9 o'clock Potions


2 o'clock History of Magic


9 o'clock Care of Magical Creatures Practical


1 o'clock Charms

And the list goes on. Lily reads over it a few more times just to make sure she's read it properly. The only days that she's gotten off is Wednesday and the Mondays the following week. Safe to say that Lily's now stressed.

However, over to few weeks before the exams start, Lily has been spending more time with Fred underneath the beech tree by the black lake, just laying there and trying to help Fred study for the O.W.Ls. Yet she doesn't get far with him so she gives up and ends laying there whilst Fred does something else.

When the first exam starts, all Lily seems to want to do it just to go and hide in a hole and sleep. And although Potions is one of her strongest suits in subjects, she feels like she's been hit with a ton of bricks and they've made her forget everything she has ever known about the subject.

But when she walks into the common room after the exam, she finds Fred, George, Angelina and Lee sat around the fire on the sofas. "I can't deal with this shit anymore. I'm out," Lily says in a huff, sitting down in between the twins.

"H... Wait. Hold on," Fred says to the group, pausing them in what they were talking about. "You're giving up on school? What's going on Lily?"

"I just give up. I remembered shit in that exam and now I feel like I've failed," Lily explains to them.

"Woah. Hold up. Lily, you're the person in this group who has the most dedication to anything," Angelina begins. "You've never let anything stop you. So don't talk about not going to pass because you will. If anything, Fred and George will fail."

"They're bound to fail, Ange," Lily tells her.

"You wound us Lily," George says, putting a hand on his heart and falling back into the sofa.

"That doesn't matter, Lily. Look. Everyone who knows you knows that you are the hardest working person in this school. And that includes Hermione," Angelina says. "You shouldn't let some stupid exam put you down and stop you from being the best person that you can be."

"Thanks, Ange. I really needed that," Lily says, wiping her face to find a few tears falling down her face. "But, what were you lot talking about before I came in here?"

"It... it doesn't matter." Fred says.


"Just leave it Lily. If Fred doesn't want to say then we won't say," Lee tells her, making Lily sigh.

"Okay. I'll leave it alone," she says, putting her hands up. "But on another note. We've got a History of Magic exam in a few hours and we're all going to revise."

And this causes them all to groan. "Why?" Angelina complains.

"Hey. Don't complain. You all knew this was going to happen. Now just suck it up and let's get on with it shall we?"


To say Lily is happy after her last O.W.L exam which is the Defense Against the Dark Arts Practical exam. Lily, Fred, George, Lee and Angelina walk down the lawn enjoying the sun finding it refreshing so they all take off their robes and cardigans. The five of them sit down on the hill to walk down to Hagrid's hut, rolling up their sleeves.

The boys begin talking about their last prank of the school year that they need to prank whilst Angelina and Lily just lay down, staring at the sky. "It's weird. In two years time, the five of us will be leaving this place for good," Lily says

"And hopefully by that time, you and Fred will be together," Angelina whispers.

"Oh hush, Ange," Lily tells her, gently hitting her arm. "I don't know when or even if we'll get together so just leave it."

"But you will, Lily. You will end up with Fred in the end and it might not happen now, or even in a years time but you will end up together," Angelina tells her, making Lily sigh before sitting up.

"Just, leave it Ange. It'll happen when it happens," Lily says. She looks down at the grounds. She notices Hagrid outside of his hut feeding Buckbeak. "I'll see you guys later. I'm going to see how Hagrid's holding up. It's execution day for Buckbeak today so he can't be doing so well."

She stands up and after grabbing her robe, she runs down the hill to Hagrid's hut. "How are you feeling today, Hagrid?" Lily asks as Buckbeak takes another ferret.

"Oh I don't 'ant Buckbeak to die, Lily. He done nothin' wrong." Hagrid cries.

"Hey. It's alright. Come inside. I'll make you some tea. How about that?" Lily asks, heading into the hut with Hagrid following.

"Thanks, Lily." Hagrid smiles.

And that's where Lily stays for the next few hours. With Hagrid, comforting him about what's going to happen later tonight, and making sure that he's alright.

 With Hagrid, comforting him about what's going to happen later tonight, and making sure that he's alright

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