Chapter 20

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As I walk into the Janus Thickey Ward for irrevocable spell damage, I suddenly feel anxious so I look up at Uncle Mooney and he smiles down at me. "I'm worried, Uncle Mooney. What if they don't remember me?" I ask him with a slight quiver in my voice as we stop and he turns to me. "Lilith Potter. You do this every time we come and see them," Uncle Mooney tells me. "But they always remember you. You are the goddaughter of Alice Longbottom. One of your mother's friends and a brave hero."

I smile up at him. "I know. I'm being stupid but I'm scared that one day they won't remember me, Neville or even themselves," I sigh.

"Hey, don't worry about it. It'll be fine. Nothing will happen to them," Uncle Mooney.

"But-" I begin before he cuts me off again.

"Ah. No, but. Nothing. We're not talking about this anymore," he tells me sternly before walking over to Alice and Frank. Sighing, I walk over to them before noticing Neville and Augusta Longbottom sat opposite them. "Hello, Remus. Lily, nice to see you again," Augusta greets us.

"Hi, Augusta. It's nice to see again, Neville," I greet them before pulling Neville into a hug.

"Hi, Lily," he smiles up at me before letting go of me.

"It's good to see you again, Aunt Alice and Uncle Frank," I smile over at them and before I know it, they pull me into a hug. "Hi, Lily," they smile back at me as I wrap my arms around them. A few minutes later, I pull away before sitting down on the bed opposite them, next to Neville.


Uncle Remus and I stay with Frank and Alice for the rest of the day, well, not the rest of the day but three hours of it. Remus and I end up at home at around three in the afternoon so I have gone up to my room to write in my journal that I keep for my trips to St. Mungos.

Hi again,

It's the 2nd of July today and I went to see Auntie Alice and Uncle Frank today. I saw Neville again today along with Augusta Longbottom. Alice and Frank looked better today than they did last summer. I don't know what's doing to happen right now. I don't know if they're both going to be alright, but I think that they're going to get better any time soon. I don't think that I will be able to forgive myself if they got worse. Anyway, Uncle Remus told me that I am the goddaughter of one of mum's friends at Hogwarts and a brave witch. I mean, I guess that's true. Aunt Alice is quite brave because she and Uncle Frank both refused to give information to Bellatrix which led to her using an unforgivable curse until they were insane which I guess, is a brave thing to do. After all, they gave up their lives to save everyone else's along with their son's and mine. However, what I do find funny is that when we were at the hospital today, Alice and Frank both looked at me slightly confused halfway through the time we were there which slightly scared me because it has scared me slightly because I feel as if they forgot who I was for a while before remembering who I was again. I feel as if I will lose them both and I'm not sure how I will handle that if I do.

Bye for now,

Lilith Elizabeth Potter

I finish writing and quickly shove it under a loose floorboard as I hear Uncle Remus walking up the stairs. "Lily?" I hear him ask, coming up the stairs.

"In my room!" I yell out to him and not even a few seconds later, he walks into my room.

"How are you feeling?" he asks me but I shrug my shoulders.

"Could be better but fine," I tell him bluntly, laying down on my back.

"Good. I want to talk to you about the full moon this month," he tells me, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Yes?" I ask him confused about what he wants to talk to me about.

"Well, the moon's on the 23rd this month and you'll be going to the Weasley's on the 21st," he tells me and I look at him confused.

"Why? You don't need two days to prepare for it though," I point out.

"Yes, but you never let me finish. I was going to say at the end; if you did it without arguing then I'll let you go and see Harry on his birthday," he finishes.

"Oh. Okay," I smile over at him before he nods his head.

"Good," he smiles over at me before walking out of my room and back downstairs before I walk over to my window and look out of it. "I'll see you soon, Harry," I whisper to myself, looking out of my window.


A/N: Well, it's the end of Philosopher's Stone, well, part one and I'll start Part Two soon.

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