Chapter 3

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3 years later

I walk towards the train with Uncle Remus, with him looking at me concerned. "Be careful, Lily. Don't get into any trouble please," Remus tells me as we get to the person who takes the trunks.

"Uncle. I'm always careful and I never get into trouble. I'm my mum, remember. Now stop worrying," I tell him, picking up my cats carrier and my satchel.

"Ok. Now, go before I miss you even more," he tells me, hugging me and kissing me on the head.

"Bye, Uncle Remus. See you next year," I tell him before getting onto the train.


"So, what pranks shall we pull this year. Mum gave us the idea of sending Ginny a toilet seat," Fred tells us and I roll my eyes.

"I think you should listen to your mother and stop pranking," I tell them, looking out into the corridor when I see Ron walking down towards us. He opens the door and I look up at him.

"Can I sit with you? Everywhere else is full," Ron asks us and Fred and George shake their heads. "No. Now go away," George tells Ron and I glare at him.

"Don't be so mean to your brother, George. Come on Ron. I'll help you find somewhere to sit," I tell him, getting out of my chair and grabbing my satchel. "I need to go change into my robes as well. I might go and sit with you as well." I walk into the corridor with Ron and we walk down the train, looking inside of the compartments for a free on. "So, are you hoping to find your brother this year?" Ron asks me and I look at him, nodding my head.

"Yeah. But if I can't find him on the train, then I'll be bound to see him at the sorting," I tell him before I look into a compartment and see a boy in there. He is wearing old, baggy clothes that look too big for him. He has black messy hair covering his forehead and glasses that are bound together with sellotape. I knock on the door and he looks up at us. Green eyes. The same green eyes that my mother had. "Anyone sitting there?" I ask the boy pointing to the seat opposite him. "Everywhere else is full and Ron can't find anywhere to sit." 

The boy shook his head and Ron walks in and I look at Ron. "Well, I had better go and get changed. I'll be back soon to check on you, Ron. Bye," I tell him before walking away but I turn around and look at Ron again. "Oh, before I forget. Have this, clean the dirt off your nose please." I hand him a tissue from my satchel and then walk off to the toilets to get changed.

After getting changed, I walk back to Ron and the other boy and stand in the doorway and see them talking. I sit down next to Ron and look at the boy opposite Ron. "Sorry. I didn't get your name. What is it?" I ask the boy and he sticks his hand out. 

"Harry. Harry Potter," he tells me and I look at him in shock. I cover my mouth, rushing out of the compartment and heading back to Fred and George, tears spilling out of my eyes.

Ron's P.O.V:

"Sorry, but what did I do?" Harry asks me.

"Sorry about Lily. But she's been looking forward to seeing you again for over ten years," I tell Harry and he looks at me in confusion.

"What do you mean? How could she be looking forward to seeing me again for over ten years?" he asks me.

"Oh, uh. I think you might want to ask her yourself. I don't actually know why," I tell Harry and he nods his head.

Lily's P.O.V:

I walk into the compartment, sitting on the seat opposite the boys and I put my legs up to my chest and placing my forehead on my knees. "Lily?" I hear George ask me.

"Lily? What's wrong?" Fred asks me.

"Harry," I mumble.

"What?" Fred asks me.

"Harry. I sat Ron with Harry and he introduced himself. I froze and ran back here," I tell the boys. "I can't do it. I thought I was ready to meet Harry but I wasn't. I'm not ready to meet him. It's been nearly eleven years since I last him and I can't do it. I can't face him. He reminds me too much of mum and dad." Fred comes and sits next to me and pulls me into a hug and I cry into his shoulder.

"Lily. We know it's hard for you but you'll see him every day from now on. You'll have to face him at some point," Fred tells me and I nod my head.

"I know but I can't do it. Not today," I tell them.

"Well, how can we make you feel better?" George asks.

"I just want to read in peace please," I tell the boys and I hear ruffling and a book is put into my hands. "Thanks." I open the book, leaning on the wall of the train and start reading.


"Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one," I hear someone ask from the compartment door. I look up from the door and shake my head. "No, sorry. I'll keep a lookout though," I tell the girl and she walks away from the compartment door.

"Sorry for making you all sit in silence, you three. I just needed it. Helps me calm down," I tell them and Fred nods his head.

"We haven't actually been sitting in silence. We've been passing messages back and forth," he tells me and I nod my head.

"Well, at least you've been doing something. Did you boys finish your summer homework from McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick and Binns?" I ask them and they scratch their necks which makes me groan. "You three really have to start doing your work and stop relying on me to do it for you. Maybe, if you put as much effort into planning and doing your pranks into doing homework, then maybe you might get better grades," I tell them and we all laugh.

"Never gonna happen but we do need you to look over it though. We all did do it," George laughs and I roll my eyes.

"Alright. Homework out. Show me what you got," I tell them and they all shove rolls of parchment onto my lap. I shake my head and start reading. "Did you put your names on it?" I ask and they all take their parchment back and quickly scribble their names down. "There we go."


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