Chapter 44

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A few days later, Lily is sat in her uncle's classroom early in the morning, before their first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson

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A few days later, Lily is sat in her uncle's classroom early in the morning, before their first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson. "Aren't your friends wondering where you are?" Lupin asks her goddaughter, who is sat on one of the desks in front of her godfather's desk. "They shouldn't be. I told them where I was this morning, but I'm not sure if the twins were even listening to me when I told them." Lily tells him.

"You're quite fond of young Mr Weasley, aren't you, Lils?" Lupin asks.

"Question, which one are you talking about because there's four of them at this school at the moment?" Lily asks.

"I'm sure you know who I'm talking about, honey. But just to make it clear... Fred. I'm talking about Fred Weasley." Lupin tells her.

"N... No. No, I'm not." she quickly denies.

"Really? Because if I remember correctly, he's the person that you sat next to on the train and he took you to the hospital wing when you nearly collapsed in the great hall." Lupin tells her. "So I think that you like him."

"Okay, so I might like him a little. But that's beside the point. He doesn't like me like that." Lily tells him.

"Sure. Keep telling yourself that but I'll be the one to tell you I told you so when you get together." Lupin says, causing Lily to roll her eyes.

Soon enough, the bell goes and everyone walks in for the first lesson of Defence Against the Dark Arts for the year. Everyone sits down, Lily sitting down at the desk she is sat on and Fred sitting next to her and then Angelina and George sat on the other side of her. Everyone takes out their books, quills and parchment, yet Professor Lupin stops them all. "Good morning." he says. "Would you please put all your books, quills and parchment back in your bags? Today's will be a practical lesson. You will need only your wands."

A few curious looks are exchanged as the class puts away their books. They had only had one or two practical lessons before so this is a treat for them. "Right then." Professor Lupin says when everyone is ready. "If you'd follow me."

Puzzled but interested, the class gets to its feet and follows Professor Lupin out of the classroom. He leads them along the deserted corridor and around a corner before continuing down that corridor. He leads them down a second corridor and stops, right outside the staffroom door. "Inside, please." Professor Lupin says, opening it and standing back. The staffroom, a long, panelled room full of old, mismatched chairs, is empty.

Everyone walks into the room before standing in a line in the middle of the room before Lupin stands at the front of the room by the wardrobe. The wardrobe suddenly shakes violently. "Now then." he says, beckoning at the class. "Nothing to worry about. There's a Boggart in there."

"Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces." he says. "Wardrobes, the gap beneath the bed, the cupboards under the sinks – I've even met one that had lodged itself in a grandfather clock." he says, causing Lily to chuckle to herself as she remembers that day. "This one moved in yesterday afternoon, and I asked the headmaster if the staff would leave it to give my third and fifth years some practice.

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