Chapter 59

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It's safe to say that Harry did apologise

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It's safe to say that Harry did apologise. It did take him a while to say it but he has.

Gryffindor house, meanwhile, largely thanks to the spectacular performance in the Quidditch Cup, has won the House championship for the third year running. This means that the end of year feast takes place amid decorations of scarlet and gold, and that the Gryffindor table is the noisiest of the lot, as everyone celebrates. Even Lily has forgotten about the O.W.L grades being owled at the beginning of the summer.

As the Hogwarts Express pulls out of the station the next morning, Lily curles up in the corner next to the door, Fred sat next to her. Fred, George and Lee at in an intense game of Exploding Snap when the witch with the tea cart arrives, Lily gets herself a small lunch, which involves nothing but shocolate and sugar. However, it's not until late afternoon that Lily looks out the window to find an owl flying right towards her compartment window. Getting up, she opens the window to allow the bird to fly in and land on her lap once she's sat down next to the window. Smiling at the small owl, she takes the letter off the owls leg and unrolls it before beginning to read it.

Dear Lily

I hope this finds you before you get home. And I also hope that Harry's letter has gotten to him before he reaches your aunt and uncle.

I'm hoping that by now Harry has apologised to you for the way that he acted towards you the other week.

Buckbeak and I are in hiding. I won't tell either you or Harry where, in case this owl falls into the wrong hands. I have some doubt about the other bird's reliability, but he's the second best that I could find, and he did seem eager for the job.

I believe the Dementors are still searching for me, but they haven't a hope of finding me here. I am planning to allow some Muggles to glimpse me soon, a long way from Hogwarts, so that he security on the castle will be lifted.

There is nothing I never got around to telling you after our brief reunion. It was I who was in your room before I had gone to kill Pettigrew.

"Why didn't I think it was him?" Lily asks herself, the boys not listening as they continue to play Exploding Snap.

I had transformed into Padfoot and was able to get up the stairs that way.

I would like to apologise if I gave you a bit of a fright after I left the room. I had only hoped to get a glimpse as to what you have become over these twelve years and I have to say, you are more and more like your mother than you know. Apart from your eyes, you have your father's eyes.

If you ever need me, send a word. Your owl will find me.

I'll write soon.


P.S. I hope you get somewhere with your relationship with Mr Weasley.

Lily laughs, rolling up the letter again before putting it in her bag. "I've just got to go and check on Harry. I'll be back in a moment," Lily says, walking out of the compartment and heading towards her brother's compartment.


"Keep him?" Ron asks in surprise as Lily walks past the compartment with Harry, Hermione and Ron. "What do you reckon?" Ron asks. "Definitely an owl?"

"That's good enough for me," Ron says happily.

Lily smiles at this before heading back to her compartment and sitting down in her seat next to Fred. "How are they?" Fred asks as Lily leans into him.

"They're good. Ron's got his own owl now. So there's no reason for me to worry about them," Lily says.

"That's good," Fred says.

"I know."


Yay!!!! I've finished Prisoner of Azkaban. I can't wait to get onto writing Goblet of Fire. See you then.

 See you then

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