pen pal pt 4 (f/jasippa)

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[the long awaited pt 4 of pen pal. thanks lavender_aesthitic for pestering me and you still have the cheese touch bitch]

"jasmine, i think you're too excited about this more than ever." renee laughed as they approached the airport.

"of course i am!" jasmine beamed, "god, i can't wait for you all to meet her!"

"maybe you can admit your feelings for her in your dormitory." sarah sighed.

"honestly, you're like madly crushing on this phillipa girl." anthony added.

jasmine rolled her eyes, "just because i'm excited about you all meeting her does not mean i like her."

oak scoffed, "yeah right. over text, you always talk about her."

"and you always finish the letter before the whole class." sarah added.

"i'm just a fast writer." jasmine defended.

"mhmm sure." daveed mumbled.  

they finally walked through the doors of the airport. a bunch of other students from jasmine's class we're there. the whole group just wanted to come because no school. they reached the area were they waited along with the other students for mr. russell. he finally came through the doors with a big smile.

"alright," mr. russell began, "i know you're all excited about finally meeting your pen pal. i'm excited to see you all meet them, too. they should be landing soon so you all can wait in the chairs and if you want some snacks or something, you have my permission to go to the food places in the airport."

the group headed to the chair area and sat in the chairs. they talked amongst themselves and laughed at some jokes they told each other. then, mr. russell shouted at them that their pen pals just landed. jasmine smiled widely at the announcement. sarah and renee couldn't help but giggle as jasmine gave them a cold stone glare. they walked back to the main area they were before and saw some students walking into the airport with suitcases. mr. russelll began calling out names as some of the student paired up with their pen pal. it was down to sarah and jasmine. 

"jamie akitson?" mr. russell shouted.

a girl from the new students came out from behind mr. russell. she was a black girl with long black curly hair. she was wearing blue overalls with a white shirt underneath. 

"you're with sarah over there." mr. russell told her.

she nodded and walked over to sarah. they immediately began their conversation. 

"phillipa soo?" mr. russell shouted.

jasmine gasped when the girl came from behind mr. russell. she was asian and she had long brown hair that reached her back. she was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with black jeans and white converses. 

"you're with jazzy." mr. russell smiled as he pointed towards jasmine.

phillipa looked over at jasmine and immediately broke out into a smile. they both ran to each other and hugged tightly like their life depended on it. some of the students gave them some weird looks but they didn't care. they pulled away and laughed together.

"hi." phillipa smiled.

"hello." jasmine beamed, "i've been waiting to meet you!"

"and so have we." renee added as the group walked towards them, "i'm renee."

"oh," phillipa smiled, "jasmine's told me so much about you all. good things, of course."

"i hope it was good things otherwise we're gonna have a little problem, jasmine." daveed threatned.

jasmine rolled her eyes, "it was good things, i promise. i told her about your addiction to hair products."

phillipa giggled when daveed gave her a cold hard stone glare.

renee spoke up, "well anyways, would you like to go out with us to eat? we all have a favorite place we love to go to."

"yeah it's subway." anthony stated.

[should i continue the pen pal series? aslo, i'm back from a mental health check break. i came up with so many prompts during my break. anyways, I'M BACK]

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