rehearsals (f/jasippa)

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[quick a/n. i wanna thank you all for commenting on the last chapter. it really meant alot to see that you all agreed to the ship jasippa. it made my heart literally go BOOM. i love you all so much. also thanks for 700 reads too like...yall insane. :)]

"so i'm basically playing two different people and the two acts?" jasmine asked lin.

lin looked over the script and nodded, "yeah basically. peggy schuyler and maria reynolds is who you are, jones. your schuyler sisters are over there towards the stairwell if you wanted to go meet them. here's your script."

jasmine thanked lin and walked over to the stairwell where she saw two beautiful ladies. one was black and she looked like she could kill you with a butterknife while the other one asian and looked like such a sweet person. jasmine nervously walked over to them. they both looked over to see her walking towards them and smiled. jasmine sat on the bottom stair and smiled back.

"hello." jasmine nervously greeted.

"hello there, what's your name?" renee asked.

"my name is jasmine. jasmine cephas jones." jasmine answered.

"my name is renee elise goldsberry and this lovely lady right here is ms. phillipa soo." renee smiled.

"but you can call me pippa." phillipa smiled at jasmine.

jasmine felt her cheeks heat up when phillipa smiled at her. she felt eyes on her and saw that renee was looking at her suspiciously. jasmine raised her eyebrow.

"what?" jasmine asked, "is there something on my face?"

"you look like one of my cousins." renee mumbled. [I SWEAR IF YOU KNOW WHERE I GOT THAT FROM, I LOVE YOU!]

jasmine didn't know how to react but she soon laughed as did renee and phillipa. they talked for a few more minutes  and jasmine learned some new things about her "sisters". soon, they heard lin calling for everybody.

"hello, hello, hello!" lin shouted, "i want everybody to come take a seat in either one of these chairs! we're going to start introductions today so come on you lazy grumps!"

everyone walked over and sat in the chairs that were spread around.

"i'll go first," lin spoke, "my name is lin manuel miranda and i play alexander hamilton. the bitch who wrote the other 51."

everyone laughed at his response.

"who's next?" lin asked.

"my name is renee elise goldsberry and i play angelica schuyler who apparently is never satisfied." renee smiled.

"my name is okieriete onaodowan but you can call me oak and i play hercules mulligan and james madison." oak smiled.

"wassup yall. my name is daveed diggs and i play lafayette and thomas jefferson." daveed spoke.

"my name is leslie odum jr. and i play aaron burr who is the damn fool that shot him." leslie said as he did a gun finger towards lin to which lin dramatically fell over.

that caused everybody to laugh out loud.

"my name is anthony ramos and i play john laurens and phillip hamilton." anthony smiled.

"my name is chris jackson and i play george washington." chris chuckled.

"my name is thayne jasperson and i play samuel seabury." thayne smiled.

"i'm jonathan groff and i play king george III." jonathan spoke.

"i am phillipa soo and i play eliza schuyler-hamilton." phillipa smiled.

jasmine took in a deep breath since she was the last one, "i'm jasmine cephas jones and i play peggy schuyler and maria reynolds."

"that was great everybody!" lin shouted.

"lin, why the hell are you shouting?" chris sighed.

"cause i'm so happy!" lin countered.

"yeah but you don't have to fucking yell, my guy." chris spoke.

they continued back and forth so everybody started to talk to each other. renee turned towards jasmine and phillipa. 

"so we're sisters apparently." renee spoke with a smile.

"apparently so." phillipa smiled.

"so are any of you seeing anybody?" renee asked as she wriggled her eyebrows.

"eh no one has really caught my eye." jasmine shrugged, "i don't really like relationships that much since my last one. that guy was such a bitch." 

"do i have to beat someone up?" renee asked with a serious tone.

jasmine laughed, "nah not really. he didn't do anything to me. he was just always so...commanding, i guess. too strict."

phillipa placed a hand on jasmine's shoulder, "we can beat him up if you want us to."

jasmine couldn't help but laugh at them both. soon, all three of them were laughing. lin and chris finally got done with their quarrel and soon they began rehearsals. lin was surprised that they learned the songs quickly. some were still having trouble though. everybody was spread out. renee was somewhere making a phone call and jasmine was texting her mom. after a few minutes of texting, jasmine felt someone was watching her. not like a creepy stare but it was burning holes. she turned around to see phillipa looking at her. whne she noticed her, phillipa quickly turned away with a apparent blush on her face. jasmine smirked and walked over to her. phillipa saw and started debating on whether she should run or stay. it was too late to decide because jasmine was already in front of her. phillipa rubbed her arm nervously.

"you okay, pippa?" jasmine asked in a teasing tone.

"i'm peachy." phillipa replied.

"you sure?" jasmine asked, "cause it looks like you're burning up. like, your cheeks are really red."

phillipa's eyes widened, "oh, um, it's just a little cold. that's all."

jasmine smirked, "hey i was wondering. are you available after rehearsal today?"

phillipa looked at jasmine and smiled, "yes. why?"

"just wanted to see if you wanted to grab some lunch later." jasmine replied.

"that sounds great." phillipa smiled.

"alright you lazy bums!" lin shouted, "let's get down to business!"

"to defeat the huns." daveed sanged.

"i can tell this cast is going to be very chaotic." chris sighed.

[hope you enjoyed and thanks again you all. ilysm]

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