red and blue pt 2 (f/marliza)

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"so now that i've explained it for you all, you can pick a partner." ms. liv smiled. eliza nodded and smiled as soon as she felt two taps on her shoulder. she turned around to see maria smiling at her.

"what do you want?" eliza asked. maria smiled and put her head down a little. she did a little shy move and whispered, "you wanna work on this project with me?"

eliza couldn't help but laugh. maria rolled her eyes, "hey. don't laugh. that took alot of fucking courage to do that."

eliza laughed a little more and smiled, "i know but did you really have to do the little shy move?"

maria nodded, "yes. it was very much necessary. so do you wanna work on it with me?" eliza put on her thought face to which made maria push her shoulder a little. "i'm being serious, lizzy."

"i know. i know. yes. we can work together." eliza smiled. maria beamed and pulled up a chair to eliza's desk. they were talking about random things until antoinette came up beside maria and tapped her shoulder. maria looked up at her and fake smiled, "can i help you?"

antoinette blushed a little and played with one of her curls, "i was wondering if you wanted to be my partner on this project." 

"i would but eliza already asked me." maria smiled. antoinette frowned and glared at eliza. eliza immediately grew small in her seat. she knew antoinette would somehow flip the story with her sisters.

"i did not ask you, maria. you asked me." eliza told maria. maria looked back at eliza with a cheeky grin, "same difference."

"i feel like you have no idea what that means." eliza sighed as she rolled her eyes. antoinette was still there. watching as they interacted as if she wasn't there. she cleared her throat again, "so maria, is that a yes?"

maria looked back at antoinette, "i just said eliza already asked me." 

"but you never said she was your partner." antoinette reminded her.

"me saying 'eliza already asked me' should be code for 'i already have a partner so back the fuck up'. are you too simple minded to understand that?" maria smirked. antoinette huffed and walked back to her seat. maria rolled her yees and turned back to eliza, "why are they always like this?"

"why are who like what?" eliza asked.

"all the females at this school. even the boys. like i'm 100% a lesbian but the guys say they can 'make me straight'." maria explained.

"that's assault basically." eliza informed.

"really?" maria asked. 

eliza nodded, "yeah. that's basically what that is."

"huh. never thought of that. well, anyway, the females just think that just because i'm a lesbian, i wanna fuck all of them."

"well, that's just how society has brought the lgbtq+ community up. they think just because anyone is apart of it, they wanna fuck everybody. they know standards exist right?" eliza asked sarcastically. maria chuckled lightly. 


"alright. can i come over to your house for the project?" maria asked as they walked out the gates. eliza looked at maria with a confused look, "why?"

"well, you got most of the supplies at your house and also, my apartment ain't clean." maria explained.

"fair point. sure." eliza smiled. maria smiled also. they continued to talk until eliza saw her mom's car, "i gotta go. see ya later, mari."

"alright lizzy. i'll be over in ten." maria yelled to her as eliza ran. eliza looked back and nodded. she walked the rest of the way to her mom's car and opened the back door. inside, peggy was filing her nails in the back seat and angelica was scrolling through her phone. 

"hey sweetie. how was school?" catherine asked.

"it was good, i guess." eliza answered as she buckled up. their mom drove off on the road to their house. elia was enjoying the scenery of the trees until she felt a sharp pain in her arm. she looked over to see peggy was poking her harshly with a mechanical pencil. "what the hell, peggy?"

"we need to have a talk when we get home. you, me and angelica. your room." peggy told eliza. eliza nodded and looked back out the window. she knew this was probably about the antoinette situation or it could just be about her not folding their clothes right. they reached their home and eliza immediately ran to her room. she threw her bag on the ground and pulled out some night clothes. soon, angelica and peggy came in her room. angelica closed the door and leaned on it while peggy sat in eliza's office chair. eliza pulled off her sweater and replaced it with an oversized short-sleeve t-shirt. 

"so, what's up this time? i made sure i folded the clothes corner to corner like you asked me, angelica and i cut the crust to your pb&j yesterday, peggy." eliza explained as she sat on her bed, "so, what did i do wrong this time?"

"antoinette told us you took her partner away from her in ms. liv's class." angelica answered, "is that true?"

"no. maria asked me to be her partner. antoinette came up to maria and tried to force her to be her partner. i didn't take anything from her." eliza explained.

"strange. that's not what antoinette said." peggy looked at eliza with a glare, "she said you took maria from her."

"and you believe her more than me?" eliza asked them.

"well, you do have a tendency to lie, eliza." angelica shrugged.

"just because i lied about me liking meatballs in kindergarten does not mean i'm gonna lie all the time. do you even know what tendency means?" eliza asked, "whatever. i'm done with this. maria's coming over in about 5 minutes to work on the project we have so i'm going to need you two to get the fuck out."

"why are you getting so mad?" peggy asked.

"because i'm frustrated that you two are believing a fucking friend than your sister. you should know better." eliza stated through clenched teeth.

"antoinette's been our friend since kindergarten." angelica reminded her.

"and? i've been your sister since birth." eliza spoke, "believe what you wanna believe but i know that i'm telling you the truth. i have no reason to lie to you two. even though i should but i don't. be fucking grateful that i'm honest with you two instead of that bitch."

oof. pt 2. how was it?

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