nice to meet you (f/marliza)

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maria was tired. tired of james doing whatever he wanted to do to her. she knew if she tried to get away from him, he'll most likely beat her to death. she woke up naked in james' bed. she sighed as she rubbed her eyes. she got up from the bed and went into the bathroom. she didn't want to look. she didn't have to but she did. she stared at her reflection in the mirror. her right eye was bruised. she had hickeys all over her neck and chest. bruises were forming around her neck as james choked her last night. she wishes james wasn't abusive. she just wished he actually loved her or just wished someone loved her. she didn't want the non consensual sex. she wanted loving sex. she didn't want her body to be used to pleasure someone. she wanted her body to be handled with care. with compassion. with love. maria knew deep down that the fantasy will never happen. she turned the knob of the shower to the hot side and stepped in. as the water ran down her body, she cried and just couldn't stop the tears. she hated everything about herself. everything. james knew she was insecure and used that against her. james called out everything that maria hated about her and tortured her with his words

"you're fat"

"your thighs are too close to each other"

"put on makeup, it makes you look better"

"stop eating so much"

all those phrases hurt her deep. always. she sighed as she got out the shower. she grabbed a towel and wiped herself down. she then opened the mirror cabinet and took all her makeup out. she knew people would look if she didn't put on any makeup. she managed to cover up the bruises and hickeys on her neck and chest. the eye bruise wouldnt cover up no matter how many times she tried. she sighed heavily and put all her makeup back into the cabinet. she walked out the bathroom and towards the closet. she grabbed a red crop, black shorts and red converses. james stirred and his sleep then he awoke. he rubbed his eyes and smirked devilish at her. he got out of bed and walked behind her. maria just finished putting her shorts on and froze as james' hand roamed her body. james grabbed her thighs and laughed.

"you're getting fat, mars." james snickered.

"i know." maria sighed sadly.

"you need to lose weight because no one likes someone fat." james growled.

"i know." maria choked on her sobs.

"i know you know." james spoke.

maria flinched as james harshly slapped her thigh. james then walked off towards the bathroom leaving maria in sobs. maria hated every thing about herself. james totally ruined her self-esteem. she sighed as she wiped her tears away. she was tired of crying because of james. she finished putting on her shoes and grabbed her school bag. she grabbed her phone then walked downstairs. she was going to eat an apple but she knew james would make fun of her. she pulled out her phone and texted james to tell him that she was leaving. james never did like it when maria came to school with him. everyone knows her as the "school slut". that's all she's been known for. nothing more, nothing less. maria walked out the door and headed to school. as she went through the gates of the school, she heard the whispers.

"why is she here?"

"it's the famous 'school slut'!"

"what the hell is she wearing?"

"james is right. she is getting fatter."

maria hated those whispers. she really did. hated everything about her body and personality. as she continued to walk, she saw her. eliza schuyler. her and her group of friends, including her sisters, were hanging out under the big oak tree in the school lot. maria loved how the group talked and laughed with each other. they always had each others back. maria wished for that type of friendship but she knew she would never receive it. she continued to walk by until someone called out her name. the voice belonged to eliza.

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