red and blue pt 3 (f/a/marliza)

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eliza was helping her mom with dinner until a knock was heard on the front door. eliza knew who it was suppose to be and went to open it. there stood maria in all her glory. she was wearing a red tank top and black sweatpants with her favorite pair of white nike's. 

"hello lizzie!" maria beamed as she hugged eliza tightly, "i missed you so much!"

"mars, it's only been like 20 minutes." eliza laughed as she hugged back. maria pulled away and pouted, "i know. i know but that's doesn't excuse anything." 

eliza rolled her eyes, "whatever. come in. the sooner we start, the sooner we can get done." eliza grabbed maria's hand and dragged her upstairs to her room. eliza closed the door while maria just sat on the bed looking around. eliza grabbed her schoolbag and sat next to maria on the bed, "alright let's get started."


they were working on their assigned project in silence until eliza gave out a loud sigh. maria looked over at eliza and smirked, "tired?"

"nah. more like bored." eliza replied, "this is boring but we have to get it done." maria sat up in the bed and scooted closer to eliza. she laid down next to her and looked up at the ceiling, "let's just take a break, lizzie."

eliza sighed, "yeah. ok. what are we gonna do now though?"

"i guess we can start as to why your sisters are being bitches to you." maria suggested.

eliza looked over at maria, "you knew?"

maria scoffed, "duh. it's obvious. y'all had some sort of bond but now it's gone. what happened?"

"i rather not talk about it." eliza mumbled.

"lizzie, if you don't talk about it, i'll keep asking you over and over until you get pissed." maria smiled, "and you know i know how to get you pissed off."

eliza groaned, "fine. i'll tell you." maria threw her arms up in victory. she sat up along with eliza and waited for her to start. eliza sighed, "i'm not sure when it started but i guess one day they both decided to bully me around. i was already dealing with bullying at school but they didn't care about it. i think all of this started when they became friends with antoinette. they started to take her word over mine because i was 'lying' to them. we use to always be there for each other no matter what. always worried about each other, always making all of us were safe, etc but all of that changed. now, they bully me around here and at school. they force me to do their chores when they don't want to and i have to make meals for them even though they know how to cook themselves. i'm basically a maid to them here. i'm used to it now but it's annoying sometimes. there's your answer, mari."

"can i beat up your sisters?" maria asked with a serious tone.

"no!" eliza gasped, "i'm not letting you do that because i know you're gonna win."

maria chuckled, "damn straight!" 

short addition but i love it lowkey

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