demon queen, maria pt 3 (f/marliza)

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eliza stirred awake and looked around. she was in a dark room from what she could see. she turned around and was faced with the demon queen, maria. she was laying on her side with her hand under her cheek. she looked at her with a bored expression. 

"you're awake, finally." maria stated.

"where am i?" eliza asked.

maria rolled her eyes, "you're in the demon realm."

eliza eyes widened, "where's my sister?"

"theodosia has her." maria replied.

"why did you kidnap us?" eliza asked.

maria rolled her eyes, "you're asking way too many fucking questions."

"i'm just concerned about my well being." eliza snapped.

maria looked at her with amusement, "oh, we're gonna get along just fine, eliza schuyler."


peggy woke up to her laying down on a bed. the bed was soft and the sheets were red. she looked around and saw some girl sitting in a chair, picking at her nails.

"um...wassup?" peggy greeted.

the girl snapped her head up at peggy's voice, "oh. you're awake. i thought you were dead."

"nah. i'm invincible." peggy shrugged, "where am i?"

"in the demon realm. maria and her friends brought you and your sister here." the girl explained.

peggy nodded, "ok ok. who are you?"

"my name's theodosia. you're peggy, right?" theo asked.

peggy nodded, "yep that's me. this bed is comfortable by the way."

theo laughed, "you're not really scared, are you?"

"oh no baby. i'm absolutely terrified. i'm just trying to distract myself from the waiting death that's about to happen." peggy replied.

"we don't kill humans." theo said, "we merely punish them."

"mm. that sounds better than death on a real note. how do you punish us?" peggy asked.

"we extract some of your energy." theo answered.

"that sounds painful." peggy cringed.

theo laughed, "it's not suppose to be. some humans find it quite enjoyable."

"i'll take the word for it." peggy mumbled.

"but i should let you know something before the torturing starts." theo said as she got up.

"what?" peggy asked.

theo walked over to the bed and hovered over peggy, "if we enjoy your taste of energy, we will bond. and once we bond, you will never experience pleasure from no one else but the demon you bonded with."

peggy eyes widened as she finally understood what she meant, "well, that's okay. it's better than death."


"i feel like you really hate me." maria sighed.

"i do." eliza mumbled.

maria glared at eliza, "eh. you'll enjoy me soon."

eliza looked up at maria, "what do you mean i'll 'enjoy you soon'?" 

maria scooted closer to eliza to which eliza scooted back. maria smirked.

"so you are scare of me." maria mumbled.

"the hell are you on about?" eliza asked.

"oh eliza," maria smiled, "we're gonna bond easily."

[oohhh mystery. lemme know if you catch what i put down when theo and peggy were talking]

(extra author note: this series is now a book)

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