pen pal (f/jasippa)

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[college au]

"alrighty class," mr. russell spoke, "today, we are starting a new project thing. pen pals. i'm sure most of you know what that is. if you don't, i'll explain it. pen pals are basically other students from either a different state or country. you send them a letter and they will send one back. this time will be different, though. instead of just ending it on good terms, like all teachers do, you'll meet your pen pal at the end of the project. they'll stay here for about a good two weeks with you guys in the dorms. that way you'll get to know them more than just writing. sounds good? good."

mr. russell smiled and began handing out the letters to their assigned partner. jasmine sat in the back with her large red hoodie covering almost all her body. she wore black leggings with white sneakers and her hair was pulled up into a messy bun. mr. russell handed her the letter. she sighed as she opened to read it.

dear pen pal,

hello! my name is phillipa but you can call me pippa or pips is fine. anyway, here's some things about me. i love listening to musicals but i really love listening to aretha franklin. i love going outside alot and daises are my favorite. i'm really shy and i don't really have many to no friends. so, i really hope we could be friends. i hate stuck up type people but i love dogs though. i honestly don't know what to write but i hope you write soon!


pips ~

jasmine sighed and closed the letter. she kind of felt bad for phillipa for having no friends. jasmine has many friends but this girl doesn't. she grabbed a piece of paper from her binder and began writing her letter.

dear pips,

sup. my name is jasmine but you can call me jas or jazzy. it's nice to meet you and here are some things about me. i like listening to old soul type music. originals like stevie wonder, donna summers and some few others i can't name right now. i like going out alot and i like sunflowers. i'm not really much as of shy. kind of more like outgoing. i hang out with my friends alot in my freetime and we act stupid around each other. i'm sorry that you don't have many friends and i would love to be your first, if you don't mind. i also love dogs, too. i hope this is enough info about me and if it isn't, you'll get to the juicy stuff later.



jasmine looked over her letter and folded it. she walked up front to mr. russell's desk and handed him the paper. mr. russell smiled and told her she could just relax and do some other things. she walked back to her seat and pulled out her phone to text the groupchat with her friends.

GC name: we some boss ass hoes

jazzy: hey y'all

renee: aren't you in class, jasmine?

jazzy: indeed i am, renee

oak tree: hey could you guys like not text. i'm in the middle of a test rn

jazzy: well pay attention and just put your phone on 'do not disturb'

oak tree: oh shit. i'm an idiot my god

anthony: yes you are

jazzy: hey ant man

anthony: sup cephas

jazzy: i hate it when you call me that and you know it

lin: aren't you all in class?

daveed: we are but this gc is more interesting than my current class rn

renee: where are you, lin?

lin: in my dorm room

anthony: you ok?

lin: just a little sick. that's all

groffsauce: hello peasants

daveed: oh dear...

groffsauce: omg lin are you ok?

lin: just a little sick

groffsauce: i hope you feel better, love

lin: thanks. imma go back to sleep

renee: anyways, what's everybody doing in class rn?

anthony: learning how to range my voice

daveed: how to pay taxes, i think

groffsauce: idk tbh

renee: oak's taking a test and i'm just writing a narrative. wbu jas?

jazzy: i'm doing this pen pal project. i just finished with my letter

daveed: nice. what's their name?

jazzy: phillipa, i think

renee: she sounds like a nice person

anthony: you can tell if she's nice by just knowing her name?

renee: i'm just assuming by her name

jazzy: she did sound like a nice person in her letter

daveed: hopefully we'll meet her

jazzy: yeah we will. mr. russell said that the pen pal we wrote to would come over here for two weeks. i'm basically going to be sharing my dorm with her when she gets over here

renee: i can tell we'll all be the best of friends with her when she gets over here

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