it can't be true... (f/a/jasippa)

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[alright. yall gonna hate me for this but it can't be helped.]

"do you really have to go, mama?" james asked as he tugged on jasmine's sleeve.

jasmine was drafted into the army so she had to leave. she didn't want to be she had to. phillipa was upset when she heard about her leaving and so were the kids. jasmine sighed.

"yeah. i have to go, lil man." jasmine smiled.

james pouted, "but...but, i don't want you to go."

jasmine kneeled in front of him and wiped his tears that were forming away, "i know, james, but i have to go. i have no choice sweetie. imma need you to be strong, 'kay?"

james nodded and wiped his tears. bailey walked up to jasmine after james went to phillipa's side. bailey gave jasmine a tight hug and jasmine hugged her back.

"i'll miss you, mama." bailey whispered to her.

"yeah, imma miss you too bailey. take good care of mommy for me, okay?" jasmine asked.

bailey nodded. she went back to hold james' hand. jasmine got up and hugged phillipa tightly. she was crying just as hard as james was. jasmine knew this would upset her.

"i'm sorry that i had to leave on our anniversary, bubba." jasmine whispered in her ear.

phillipa nodded, "it's okay. you'll be back."

jasmine nodded. she pulled away and kissed phillipa lovingly. she knew that was going to be their last kiss for awhile. she hugged the kids again until she heard her flight number being called. she grabbed her suitcases.

"alright, i gotta go." jasmine sighed, "i'll text you when i land and i'll try to call you tonight. love you babes."

"bye mama." bailey called out as jasmine left.


phillipa was laying on their bed reading one of her favorite books. she turned to the next page as the door creaked open to reveal james and bailey. phillipa looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"what's wrong?" phillipa asked.

"w-we were wondering if mama called you yet." james answered.

phillipa sighed and motioned for them to come in. they ran up to the bed and snuggled close to phillipa. 

"she just text me that she was gonna call in a few minutes." phillipa told them.

as soon as she said that, her phone started to ring. she answered the call on the mac though so she could see her better. she clicked 'answer' as jasmine popped up. she was on top of a bed and a bright room. she smiled as she saw them.

"hello my babies." jasmine smiled, "how are you?"

"doing good but i miss you." bailey pouted.

jasmine frowned, "i know you do. it's not even a full day yet baby. stay strong and keep your head up, 'kay?"

bailey nodded and snuggled up next to phillipa. james talked to jasmine and he too snuggled next to phillipa. 

"and how are you, my darling?" jasmine asked with a smile.

phillipa smiled, "i'm doing good. well, i'm trying. i'm just used to you coming into the bedroom at this time but instead, the kids got here first."

jasmine laughed, "awh man! well, i'm sorry to cut the call short but my drill instructor wants me. love you, baby."

"love you, too." phillipa smiled

[yeah. yall gon hate me for this series and i am not gonna apologize. get ready for some angst >:)]

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