hey there, cutie (f/marliza)

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credit to cuteotpprompts on instagram

"i don't know, john." eliza sighed as she put on her earrings.

"come on, it'll be fun." john groaned.

"but this is so unlike me." eliza whined.

"yeah but like drinks." john smiled.

eliza looked at john and rolled her eyes. john and alex were taking eliza to a club, a strip club to be exact. eliza loathed the idea of going out anywhere ever since she broke up with madison. when they broke up, she felt like shit. she wouldn't go anywhere or dress up for anything. so tonight, john and alex kicked down her door and got her dressed up. eliza walked over to her bed and sat on it as she put her heels on. 

"this is stupid." eliza muttered.

john nodded, "which is why we're doing it."

eliza rolled her eyes. she finished putting on her heels and grabbed her small purse. eliza was wearing a long tight fitting dark blue dress with white heels. john helped her with the outfit while alex helped with eating all her cheez-its. they walked out the house and towards alex's car. alex was already inside so the two just got in. john fixed his sleeve on his blouse and pouted when it wouldn't work. eliza laughed a little from the backseat. 

"need some help, john?" eliza asked with a smile.

john looked back to her and glared, "no, fuck off."


they arrived to the club and from the outside, you could hear the music booming. eliza started to regret coming here but it was far too late because john pulled her in the club. when they entered, john and alex immediately went towards the bar. eliza rolled her eyes and walked over to an empty booth. as she sat, she was approached by a waitress. she ordered some vodka but not too strong. she sipped a little bit of it and immediately spit it out. 

"i forgot how much i hated vodka." eliza told herself.

just then, a voice could be heard over the speakers.

"alright alright alright!" the voice spoke, "give it up for red rose!"

eliza looked over to the stage where the strippers were. when the person got done saying that, a woman appeared. she was wearing red lingerie but it wasn't too revealing. the woman seemed to notice eliza's stare from out of everybody and smirked. she began doing her routine on the pole and eliza just watched. she saw some of the men were basically drooling over the woman's body. eliza thought her body was just as beautiful. from her nice curves to her round ass. eliza blushed as the woman finished her routine and winked at her. the club wasn't that dark enough to not notice. when she got off the pole, she began making her way towards eliza. eliza panicked inside as the mysterious woman approached her. the woman sat next to eliza and smiled at eliza's blushy face.

"hey there, cutie." the woman flirted.

eliza turned even more red, "h-hello."

the woman placed a hand on eliza's thigh and laughed as eliza jumped a little. the woman leaned in eliza's face and kissed her cheek. she then leaned down to eliza's ear.

"how about you meet me in my dressing room, cutie." the woman whispered.

she pulled back just as eliza nodded her head slightly. the woman smirked and got up. the woman began to walk away but turned back around. she pointed her finger at eliza and made a motion for her to follow her.

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