stressed (s/marliza)

772 21 14

eliza sighed deeply as she shakily held the pen. her work was starting to overflow. a few minutes ago, as she was getting ready to finish her last paper, her boss came in and placed two different stacks of paper on her desk. not saying a word, he walked out. eliza was always treated like this. because she was so nice and kind, people took advantage of that. all the time at work. she dropped her pen and held her face in her hands. she started to cry. all she wanted to do was to go home to her wife. she just wanted to cuddle and watch bootleg movies together. she sighed and lifted her head up. she grabbed her phone and dialed maria's number. after three rings, she picked up.

"hello?" maria answered over the phone.

"hey love." eliza sighed.

"hey liza," maria chirped, "what's up?"

"um...i'm going to be late coming home tonight." eliza spoke.

"again?" maria asked.

"sadly, yes." eliza huffed.

"okay, i'll be waiting." maria sighed.

"alright." eliza looked down.

"love you." maria told eliza.

"love you, too." eliza smiled.

eliza hung up the phone and picked up her pen. tears at the corners of her eyes as she began to work on the first sheet


maria sighed when eliza hung up. maria knew the people where eliza worked always took advantage of her kindness. eliza just doesn't know how to say no. maria continued looking at the tv which only showed the movie, blindspotting. after staring at the tv for some amount of time, maria got an idea. she got up immediately and raided the cabinets for certain things she needed. maria knew eliza would probably be tired when she gets home but it's been a while since they done this. maria smiled to herself knowing that eliza would most likely give into it.


eliza took a deep breath and huffed. she was finally done with the mount of papers she was given. she packed up all her pens and pencils, she placed them in her laptop bag and grabbed her purse. she lifted the stacks of papers and brought them to her boss. when she placed them, she turned to leave. she walked out the building and headed to her car. once inside her car, she shakily put the keys in the ignition. then, she broke down crying with her head on the steering wheel. 

"i can't keep doing this." eliza whispered to herself.

she sniffed one last time and began to drive off. she drove inside the garage and parked her car. locking it when she got out. she got her house keys and unlocked the door that led into the garage. once she was inside, she placed her keys in the bowl and hung her purse. 

"maria?" eliza called out while she took her shoes off.

it was dark in the house which is unusual. there was a light that was illuminating in the living room. like a candle was lit. she walked down the hall further and was greeted with the scenery the living room was in. the coffee table had three scented candles on it along with rose petals. the rose petals had a path though that went along with it. eliza followed the path that led to the shared bedroom. when eliza walked into the bedroom, she was greeted with maria in her red lingerie. there were several candles that lit the room up along with rose petals around the floor. eliza stood frozen at the door. blushing madly as maria began to get up and walk towards her. maria walked around eliza and closed the door. she then walked up behind eliza and sighed heavily on her neck. she laughed as eliza shivered.

"hey liz." maria spoke on her neck.

"m-mars, w-what is all t-this?" eliza stuttered.

maria giggled and took eliza's laptop bag. she placed it on the desk table and walked in front of eliza. eliza was still blushing madly. she squeaked as she felt maria's hand unbutton her blouse. her other hand traveled down the the side zipper of eliza's skirt and began to pull it down. maria smiled to herself when she saw eliza shivering lightly. maria leaned into eliza's ear.

"you've been so stressed out lately," maria began, "i wanna relax you a little tonight."

the thud of eliza's skirt could be heard between the two. soon, eliza's blouse joined the skirt on the floor. maria grabbed eliza's wrist and led her towards the bed.


"m-maria!" eliza gasped.

maria only smiled as she continued to lick eliza's heat. her fast pace was still there but it was only getting quicker. eliza tangled her hand into the brown locks of maria's hair and gripped tightly as maria pleasured her. eliza shook lightly as maria began to suck on her clit. she then screamed when maria put her index and middle finger into her pussy. she began to scissor her fingers inside of eliza which caused eliza to only moan and scream more.

"m-maria t-the nei-neighbors-ahh!" eliza moaned.

maria added a third finger and laughed as eliza's grip on her hair tightened. maria sucked forcefully on eliza's clit. she began to feel eliza's walls clench her fingers tightly. she was getting close.

"m-maria i'm so c-close- ahh- w-wait-ahh!" eliza moaned.

maria's movements never faltered. she only picked up the pace. her fingers began to thrust in and out of eliza fast as she came up and kissed eliza. although the kiss was sloppy, it was still enjoyable for the two. eliza then moaned loudly when maria hit that special spot. 

"i-i'm g-gonna--"

"let it out, liz"

eliza screamed and arched her back as she came. she then panted and laughed dryly. maria smiled and laid next to her. eliza looked at maria and kissed her. maria was first to pull away.

"that was an amazing scream you pulled, liz." maria smirked.

"shut up, bitch." eliza smiled.

"awh that hurts my feelings." maria fake pouted.

"thanks mar." eliza closed her eyes.

"no problem." maria closed her eyes also.

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