you're safe (f/a/jasippa)

526 15 38

tw abuse

phillipa was cleaning around the kitchen when she heard the front door open. she wiped her hands on her apron she had on. she came out the kitchen to see steven walking up to her. 

"hello steven," phillipa smiled, "how was the part--"

"shut up!" steven yelled which caused phillipa to jump.

steven never yelled at her before. he was always caring and sweet. this side of steven made her especially terrified because she never been in this position before. she shut her mouth as soon as he said that. steven looked at phillipa with angry eyes. she gasped quietly when his hand began to rise but couldn't react before she felt a sting at her cheek. she stumbled back a bit and pressed her hand to the mark on her face. she had tears in her eyes. she backed up to a wall when steven began to walk closer to her. 

"s-steven w-what's wr--" steven slapped her again but it was harder this time.

steven then grabbed her wrist and pinned them to her sides on the wall. she was scared to even look at steven. she was so scared of what he might do next.

"phillipa look at me." steven commanded.

she shook her head lightly that he almost missed it. she then felt a surge of pain in her gut and she fell to the floor. she clutched her stomach and shook. steven scoffed and kicked her arms that covered her stomach. she cried out in pain and that made steven smile.

"look at me, phillipa soo." steven commanded again.

she shakily raised her head up at steven. 

steven smirked, "god you look so pitiful right now. i wish you could see yourself right now."

phillipa let out a sob to which steven hated. he grabbed her by her hair and pulled her up to meet his face.

"i thought i told you to shut the hell up, phillipa." steven grumbled.

"i-i'm sorry." phillipa cried out. 

"oh yeah," steven chuckled, "you'll be sorry when i'm done with you."

he then raised his fist and phillipa blacked out

phillipa sat up almost immediately in a cold sweat. she was shaking violently. she looked over to see her girlfriend, jasmine, asleep. she quietly got out of bed and walked out the bedroom. she walked downstairs into the living room. she grabbed the blanket that was on the couch and wrapped herself in it. she walked over to the window seat and sat down, looking out the window. jasmine noticed that she didn't feel phillipa's warmth when she turned over. she sat up and rubbed her eyes and yawned. she got out of bed and walked downstairs to see phillipa at the window seat. jasmine sighed quietly and walked over to phillipa. she gently placed a hand on phillipa's back to which she flinched to. she looked behind her to see jasmine standing there with a sad expression on her face.

"can i join you in the blanket?" jasmine asked quietly.

phillipa nodded as she lifted the blanket. jasmine got under it and hugged phillipa. after a few minutes of silence, phillipa began to cry. jasmine rubbed her back. she been through this many times with phillipa. she knew what was bothering her and as always, she'd let phillipa cry it out before talking to her. her cries soon turned in sniffles. jasmine continued to rub her back.

"what was it about this time, pips?" jasmine asked softly.

phillipa sniffed, "i-it was about...w-when he first started the a-abuse."

jasmine's eyes widened in surprise. she looked down at phillipa who laid her head on her shoulder.

"that's...a new one." jasmine mumbled.

"y-yeah it is." phillipa sighed.

they sat in silence for some time until phillipa spoke up.

"jasmine?" phillipa spoke.

"yes?" jasmine replied.

"do you think he'll come back to kill me like he threatened?" phillipa asked.

jasmine immediately made phillipa face her. phillipa's eyes began to water at the thought. jasmine did the only thing that seemed to calm her down during these nightmares. she kissed her. phillipa gasped a bit but soon melted into. she didn't know why but it always seems to relax her worries a little. they pulled away after some time.

"pips," jasmine started, "if he ever thinks to come close to you, i'll chop his small dick off."

phillipa smiled a little.

"you're safe, ok?" jasmine stated, "he's not going to hurt you. he's all the way in another state prison. far from here. we have a restraining order against him if he ever decides to come around. even if he breaks the restraining order rules, i'll make sure he doesn't live to see the next day."

phillipa's eyes widened, "you're going to kill him, jazzy?"

jasmine scoffed, "nah. i'll leave that up to mama ren."

phillipa chuckled softly at the reply. 

"you ready to go back to bed?" jasmine asked hopefully.

phillipa nodded. jasmine got up first and held her hand out to her. phillipa took it and they walked upstairs to their shared room hand in hand. when they laid down, jasmine pulled the covers over both of them and kissed phillipa's nose. 

"i love you." jasmine whispered.

"i love you, too." phillipa smiled.

[why does it seem that i have more words for jasippa oneshots than marliza? like...explain.]

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