hugs from behind 2 (f/jasippa)

186 20 13

requested by random_bush3

"fuck, fuck fuck fuck..." phillipa kept repeating quietly to herself

it was several minutes until they go on for the schuyler sisters number. phillipa always got like this before the scene. she didn't know how renee and jasmine could look so calm. phillipa sighed and began to chew her nails. she was so caught up in her own mind that she didn't feel someone hug her. it was jasmine.

"what's wrong, pips? biting your nails is a bad habit of yours." jasmine whispered.

phillipa shakily put her hand over jasmine's hands, "i know. i'm just...a bit nervous."

"nervous for what?" jasmine asked.

"the number we're about to go on in a few minutes." phillipa answered.

she felt jasmine nod her head, "you'll do great. i mean, you always do. you're phillipa soo."

phillipa smiled at that remark, "thank you, jasmine."

jasmine chuckled, "you're welcome, pippins."

they were smiling at each other. little did they know that renee was watching them throughout the whole altercation. she smirked and decided to tease them later as they heard leslie begin to sing his verse.

[there's your update you babes]

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