just like that... ("s"/jasippa)

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ha. i tricked yo ass with the title huh? you little nasty. this is fluff

"you okay, jazzy? you've been on your phone for a good 20 minutes." phillipa stated as she looked at jasmine from her book.

"yeah i'm okay it's just...anthony just released his album." jasmine muttered. phillipa closed her book and scooted over next to jasmine and laid her head on her shoulder, "yeah. and what does it have to do with you looking at your phone like a dumbass?"

jasmine rolled her eyes, "shut up. it has everything to do with me. that's the problem."

"how?" phillipa asked.

"well he told me it was about us when we were dating."

"uh huh"

"and i kind of want to--"

"you want to listen to it, don't you?" phillipa smirked.

jasmine nodded, "is that bad?"

"nope. if anything, it's weird but not bad weird."

jasmine raised an eyebrow, "you're handling this quite well."

"because i don't care what you do, jazzy poo. if you wanna listen, then take a listen. as a matter of fact, i'll listen it to it with you."

"really? you'll go that far?"

"yes. i'll do anything if it calms that intrusive voice in your pretty little head." phillipa smiled.

jasmine blushed, "shut up, pippins."

short and sweet u////u. n e ways, im here to mention that i am currently crushing over another 51 year old woman. her: 

audra mcdonald

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audra mcdonald

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