pen pal pt 3 (f/jasippa)

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jasmine skipped in her writing class with a huge smile on her face. she got to the college earlier than usual. sarah noticed her skipping up to her seat and stifled a laugh. jasmine playfully glared at her and shook her head. she sat down in her seat and pulled out a piece of paper.

"oh, you got paper now, jazzy?" sarah teased, "surprising."

jasmine rolled her eyes, "oh shut up, sarah."

sarah smiled, "why are you so happy today?"

"because next week is when we meet our pen pals and i can't wait to meet pippins!" jasmine beamed.

"i can tell." sarah smiled, "maybe you can finally stop being a pussy and ask her out."

jasmine stared at sarah with widened eyes, "are you crazy? i can't do that."

"sure you can. you've been flirting with her through letters so what's so different about doing it face to face?" sarah asked.

jasmine sighed, "nothing is but i don't want to ruin the friendship. besides, it'll be weird to go out with someone you only met through letters."

"jasmine, there's a thing called tinder in which people date other people through an app." sarah sighed, "this letter thing is nothing different."

jasmine shook her head while laughing. they talked a few more minutes until mr. russell came in with a bright smile on his face. 

"hello students!" mr. russell beamed, "today is the last day of writing to your pen pal and then next week you'll meet that person. i hope you all had fun with this little project of ours because it was a fun project. i'll hand out the letters now."

mr. russell grabbed the basket where the letters are placed and began handing them out to the assigned person. jasmine bounced in her seat happily when mr. russell came to deliver hers. mr. russell chuckled at jasmine when she immediately began to open her letter. 

dear jazzy,

last day of writing to you. it was so fun to talk to you! my first friend! i learned some things about you and you also did for me. i really can't wait to meet you! i hated that we couldn't describe ourselves to each other but i guess that just makes it more exciting when we meet. this letter is shorter than the other ones but my brain is just not on track right now. anyways, can't wait to spend the next two weeks with you and your friends!



jasmine smiled after she read the letter. she grabbed her pencil and started writing almost immediately.

dear pippins, 

i hate that this is our last day of writing to each other but i had so much when we did. this project was indeed fun for me. i can't wait till you come over here, too! my friends can't wait to meet you. they always ask whenever they get the chance. i feel like you and my friend, renee, would get along just fine. she's the mom friend of the group just so you know. oak, my other friend, is the dad. anywho, can't wait to see you!

p.s yes that was meant to rhyme



jasmine folded her letter and began walking up to mr. russell's desk. she dropped the paper into the basket and walked back to her seat. sarah gave jasmine a wink when she sat down and jasmine just rolled her eyes. she pulled out her phone and started texting her gc of friends

we some boss ass hoes

jazzy: hey yall

anthony: sup jas

daveed: yo when is your pen pal coming?

jazzy: next week monday i hope

renee: a little birdie told me that jazzy might have a crush on her pen pal~

jazzy: well that "little birdie" is going to get hit with a rock

lin: jasmine likes girls? huh not surprising

groffsauce: right?

daveed: is that true, jas?

jazzy: i don't know really. i mean i think she's nice and all but i don't wanna have a crush on someone i met through a letter

renee: people do it on tinder all the time except they're meeting through an app

anthony: yeah

jazzy: god, renee you sound like sarah

renee: do i?

jazzy: yes

lin: well anyays, can't wait to meet her jasmine

groffsauce: same!

jazzy: i think she also can't wait to meet you guys. i tell her about you all everytime i write to her

daveed: awh. jasmine likes to brag about us. i'm flattered. u///u

anthony: daveed, don't ever type something like that last thing you typed ever again for the sake of every living creature

[i can't wait for them to meet! even though i'm the author...]

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