am i not enough for you, jasmine?! pt 2 (f/a/jasippa)

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[part two. hope u love it]

it was months after the whole thing happened. jasmine was living at her mom's house for the time being. she's been there for a while. she told her mom what happened and all her mom did was slap her first. she then talked to her about the things that happened. jasmine has not forgiven herself for what happened. she still loves phillipa so much but she can't bring herself to call or text her. phillipa on the other hand has not been holding up so well with the whole thing. bailey and james was not cooperating with her. they were disobeying phillipa because jasmine wasn't there to put them in check. it's new that james was disobeying because he never talked back before. phillipa hated herself everyday after the whole thing. she couldn't sleep at night because her nightmares came back. when jasmine was there, they weren't so bad but now that she isn't, they're back. 

phillipa was trying to get bailey up for school but she wouldn't budge.

phillipa groaned, "c'mon bails! get up and get ready!"

bailey swatted her hand away from her, "no! i don't wanna!"

"you have to go to school! you and james can't miss another day! get up right now!" phillipa shouted.

"no! i don't wanna and you can't make me!" bailey yelled.

bailey scooted away from phillipa and got under her covers. phillipa sighed and walked out the room. she wasn't even going to try to get up james because he hated getting up for her. she plopped down on the couch and sniffed. she began to cry softly in her hands. they were all frustrated and sad because of jasmine's departure. phillipa has tried to move on but no one was jasmine. she pulled out her phone and pressed her contact. she hesitated for a second but she knew she couldn't handle them. she sighed and pressed the call button. it rung a few times before jasmine picked up.

"hello?" jasmine spoke.

phillipa took in a shaky breath, "h-hey jasmine. i-i really need you over here right now."

"why? what's wrong?" jasmine asked worriedly.

even though they weren't dating anymore, jasmine still worried.

"i-it's bailey and james. they won't get up for school. it's the fifth time this week." phillipa replied, "t-they haven't been to school since last week friday. and they won't get up when i ask them to. so please, could you come over? i-i don't think i can t-take this."

"yeah yeah. i'll be over there soon, 'kay?" jasmine said.

phillipa smiled weakly, "o-okay. c-can we also talk w-when you come back or if you come back?"

"yes we can." jasmine answered, "i'll be there soon."

"okay." phillipa said.

she hung up first and waited until jasmine arrived.

jasmine arrived about 30 minutes or so. she knocked on the door and it was immediately opened by phillipa. jasmine gasped at the sight of her. she had eye bags, her hair was all down and messy, she wore a big sweater with tights and she had a big blanket over her shoulders. jasmine immediately hugged phillipa. phillipa hugged back tightly. hugging phillipa was just a reflex of jasmine. phillipa invited her in and told her where the kids were. jasmine walked upstairs to their rooms and had them dressed and ready to go in a flash. it was something jasmine was good at usually. jasmine was helping james put on his shoes.

"alrighty," jasmine spoke as she finished, "i'll be back once i drop them off, 'kay?"

phillipa just nodded and smiled. once the kids and jasmine left, phillipa went to the kitchen and made two glasses of tea. she put extra sugar in jasmine's because it's how she liked it. she walked back to the couch with the teas and placed jasmine's on the coffee table. she brought her knees to her chest and sipped her tea slowly. after a few minutes, jasmine came back. she opened the door and saw phillipa already looking at her. jasmine smiled and sat down next to her. they were quiet for a few minutes until jasmine cleared her throat.

"so, how have you been?" jasmine asked but she mentally slapped herself. 

"terrible actually." phillipa replied, "the kids haven't been the same since you left."

jasmine grabbed the tea and took a sip, "what do you mean?"

phillipa took a deep breath, "they've been reckless. they've been skipping out on school for some days, they won't even get dressed sometimes. james started doing it once he saw bailey do it. it's a hassle to actually try to get them up everyday."

jasmine nodded, "i talked to them when i drove them to the school. we're gonna talk more once they come back but how have you been, pips?"

phillipa sighed, "not good. i've been struggling. everything changed when you left. i haven't been able to sleep because the nightmares came back. i haven't been able to even eat properly. i hate myself everyday for letting you walk out like that. i should've actually let you explain. everything was my fault."

jasmine shook her head, "no no no. everything was my fault, pips."

jasmine took phillipa's cup and placed it on the table. she grabbed both of her hands and looked at her in the eyes.

"i'm so sorry, pips." jasmine stated, "i shouldn't have left you alone like that. i should had just explain myself. i'm sorry for just getting all mad with you. i was just...confused and frustrated. i don't even know how it happened to be honest but i know it was my fault. i should've contacted you after i left but i just felt guilty for leaving you so heartbroken. so now i'm asking, do you forgive me? it's okay if you don't right away but i would like to build our trust back up. please?"

phillipa looked at jasmine in the eyes and smiled, "i would like for us to build the trust back up. i'm sorry too."

jasmine smiled and kissed phillipa's hand, "it's okay. i forgive you. so shall we work this out physically?"

"ugh i was waiting for you to mention that. i haven't had you between my legs in so long that it's starting to get on my nerves." phillipa smiled.

[oop. bit of mention of sin at the end]

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