it can't be true... pt 2(a/f/jasippa)

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~7 months later~

"mommy, can we get that?" james asked as he pointed to a cabbage.

phillipa raised an eyebrow at him, "why on earth would you want a cabbage?"

james shrugged, "i dunno. it looks good. can we get it?"

phillipa smiled and shook her head, "no because if i cook it, i know you won't eat it."

james pouted, "i will eat it."

"really?" phillipa asked with a smug look on her face, "you'll eat that if i cook it?"

james nodded, "yeah! i'll prove it to you!"

phillipa grabbed the cabbage and placed it in the cart, "alrighty then. if you don't keep true to your word, no more of you picking things out in the grocery store. deal?"

james smiled and nodded, "deal."


"mommy, this is disgusting." james whined as he picked at the cooked cabbage.

phillipa chuckled as she walked back into the dining room, "i knew you wouldn't like it, james. that's why i made you a sandwich."

she replaced the plate of cabbage with a ham sandwich. james thanked her and ate the sandwich quietly. phillipa walked into the kitchen and cleared the plate off. she washed some of the dishes until her phone started ringing. she took it out  of her pocket and answered it.

"hello?" phillipa asked.

"pips, have you seen the news?!" she heard renee frantically yell through the phone.

immediately, phillipa ran into the living room and turned on the tv. the news anchor was explaining that they got news of the bases of the army got attacked last night. 

" was unexpected apparently. no one knows if there are any survivors but they fear there aren't any. the place of the bases that were attacked were located in afghanistan..."

phillipa audibly gasped. those were the bases that jasmine were. 

"i'm coming over." she heard renee say before she hung up. 

phillipa could not take her eyes off of the tv. she was in a trance until she felt james pull her sleeve. she looked down at him, "yes, james?"

"i finished my sandwich. can we pick up bailey now?" james asked.

"u-um...she's staying a bit after school today. uncle ant's picking her up today." phillipa replied, "hey why don't you go upstairs, 'kay?" 

james nodded and ran up to his room. phillipa made sure he was up there when she plopped down on the couch and cried her eyes out. she knew something like this would happen. she felt it but she never thought it would happen so early. she was terrified. they said they didn't know if there were any survivors. that made her heart sink further. to know that her wife might not even be alive. she was cut out of her thoughts when she felt a hand on her shoulder. she looked up at a tear-stained renee. she immediately got up and hugged renee tightly. renee felt phillipa shaking and sat down on the couch with her next to her closely. 

"it can't be just can't, renee." phillipa cried.

"well like they said, they don't know if any survived or if any didn't. there still could be a chance of her survival, pips." renee told her.

"w-what if she...if she didn't survive?" phillipa asked shakily.

"i believe she's alive, pips. no matter what they say, i know she's alive somewhere." renee told her.

[oof. pt 3 is gonna be hard to write]  

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