nifty (f/s/jasippa)

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[nifty-particularly good, skillful, or effective. this is kinda smutty i guess. it doesn't get too intense. kinda like just touchy. but if ya'll like this one i might make a part 2]

phillipa danced around in the kitchen while cooking something for her and her wife, jasmine, when she gets home. she was blasting donna summers song "hot stuff" while shaking some seasoning into the frying pan. phillipa was happily married to her lovely wife, jasmine cephas jones. they met during their time performing in hamilton. at first, it was just a close friendship between them. then, phillipa began to gain feeling for jasmine. she dismissed them at first but they just wouldn't go away. she ignored jasmine for sometime but she couldn't take that either. so when jasmine found phillipa crying on the dressing room floor, phillipa admitted why she was ignoring jasmine. that ended with a heated makeout session between them. they started dating secretly but renee found out. soon, the whole cast knew. then, it went downhill. the media twisted everything about the relationship they had and many didn't like the thought of it. they didn't care though. they continued dating and then on october 2nd is when jasmine proposed to her. they got married on october 15th and they adopted a beautiful girl, grace. grace was 2 years old and she was currently at jasmine's mom's house. phillipa was too into donna summers songs that she didn't even hear the front door open. jasmine walked into the kitchen and smiled to herself. she saw her beautiful wife dancing around and shaking her hips along to the beat of a song. she sat her work bag down and sneaked up behind eliza. when she snaked her arms around her, phillipa jumped slightly. jasmine placed her head in the crook of her neck and sighed.

"hey baby." jasmine smiled.

"when did you come home?" phillipa asked as she continued to check on the food.

"a few minutes ago." jasmine replied, "i enjoyed your dancing. it was cute."

she giggled to herself when she saw phillipa blush. 

"the food smells good also." jasmine added as she began to kiss along phillipa's neck.

phillipa inhaled slightly as she did this, "t-thank you, jazzy."

jasmine chuckled lowly. she continued to kiss phillipa's neck and started leaving mini hickeys on her. she then reached her jawline which was always a sensitive spot for phillipa. phillipa was trying not to give in into what jasmine was doing but it was kind of hard for her. jasmine then nibbled on her ear. as she did that, one of her hands went into phillipa's jeans. phillipa's breath hitched for a minute. jasmine laughed to herself as she knew she had phillipa right where she wanted her. she started to rub phillipa's core with her middle and ring finger. phillipa couldn't help but let out a little moan of pleasure. jasmine smiled to herself. she continued the slow pace until she suddenly rubbed faster which caused phillipa to moan out.

jasmine chuckled, "that was a good one, baby."

"j-jasmine," phillipa moaned out, "i really n-need to f-finish dinner."

jasmine stopped everything and backed away from eliza. she kissed her cheek and walked upstairs to get changed. phillipa continued cooking but couldn't calm herself down. jasmine always knew what to do to get phillipa wanting more. it's just something she's good at. 

"god damn it, jasmine." phillipa muttered. 

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