pre-award show affection (f/jasippa)

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jasmine put her loop earrings on and grabbed her purse. phillipa was still in the bathroom so she just walked downstairs. she sat on the couch and scrolled through her phone. phillipa was scared to go downstairs. she was scared that maybe jasmine wouldn't like how she looked. she sighed and continued putting on her makeup. not too much, not too little. she grabbed her handbag and walked out the bathroom. she walked downstairs and saw jasmine wearing a black tight-fitting dress with black heels on. her hair was down in it's curly form and she had hoop earrings on. phillipa cleared her throat a little and jasmine looked up at her. her eyes widened at the site of phillipa. phillipa took this as bad thing and hung her head down. she heard jasmine get up and walk over to her. jasmine placed both her hands on phillipa's hips. 

"phillipa, you look so good." jasmine mumbled.

phillipa looked up at jasmine, "no i don't."

"yes you do." jasmine smiled, "god, you look so beautiful right now."

phillipa smiled at jasmine. she hugged her and kissed her lips when they pulled away. jasmine smirked and kept pulling her back to kiss her more. they did this for awhile until phillipa smiled and laughed into the kiss. 

"god, i hate it when you do that." phillipa smiled, "you're gonna make us late."

"i just wanted to give you a little pre-award show affection, pips." jasmine smiled.

"mhm sure." phillipa sighed, "when you did that last time, we were late."

jasmine grabbed phillipa's hand. "hey but you always looking good and i can't help myself sometimes."

phillipa laughed and they walked out the house towards the uber. jasmine opened the car door and helped phillipa in. jasmine gave the uber the location and held phillipa's hand while they drove. phillipa laid her head on jasmine's shoulder and sighed softly.

"i love you so much, pips." jasmine told her quietly.

"i know." phillipa smiled.

"i hate you so much for that." jasmine laughed to herself.

"i know." phillipa laughed.

[i know it's short but other than that, THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1K READS ON THIS BOOK! never thought people would actually read this. this lowkey started off as a book to let off my sexual frustration and lack of affection from my s.o but it's now a whole ass two ship book. again, thank you guys for the reads. really appreciate it.]

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