pen pal pt 6 (f/jasippa)

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sounds like a plan?

yeah. let's just hope this works.

it will. i'll be over there in a min 'kay?


jasmine turned off her phone and walked towards her dresser. she wanted to get comfortable so she decided to wear gray sweatpants with a black spaghetti strapped crop top. she pulled her hair up in a ponytail and walked out. she saw phillipa on the couch wearing black shorts with a baggy black t-shirt. she was scrolling through her phone so she didn't notice that jasmine sat by her. she looked up and jumped slightly to which jasmine laughed at.

"you okay?" jasmine asked.

phillipa sighed, "y-yeah. you just scared me. you're so quiet."

"it's a charm." jasmine smiled.

then, they heard a knock on the door. jasmine got up and opened it to reveal renee, daveed and anthony. renee was holding a box full of brownies, daveed was holding two big bags of chips and anthony was holding a carton of chocolate ice cream. jasmine moved on the side to let them in. they placed their stuff on the counter in the kitchen and walked back into the main room. 

"renee, did you have to bring brownies?" daveed asked.

"yes because i love brownies." renee rolled her eyes.

"oh oh! what about chocolate ice cream on top of brownies?" anthony asked with a smile.

"anthony's the sugar craved idiot of the group." jasmine told phillipa as she sat down next to her.

"i am not." anthony pouted, "i just have standards, cephas."

jasmine rolled her eyes, "whatever, ramos. where's everybody else?"

"oak's coming with hot chips, lin and groff are probably eating each others faces and i think sarah is coming with your disgusting ass ice cream." renee answered.

"cookie dough is so good, though!" jasmine gasped.

"cookie dough is good." phillipa nodded.

"no, you're not suppose to agree with jazzy on anything!" daveed groaned.

phillipa laughed. jasmine blushed as she heard phillipa's laugh. renee noticed and smirked. renee walked to phillipa and sat down next to her on the other side. anthony and daveed sat on the recliners. renee cleared her throat.

"so phillipa," renee started, "anybody loving you currently? someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be single."

phillipa smiled, "thank you but no, i'm single sadly."

renee frowned, "awh that's so tough. i can probably help you find someone while you're here."

phillipa giggled, "thanks renee but i already have my eye out for someone right now."

"oh really?" renee asked in a shocked tone, "dang. well i hope all goes well with whoever you like."

phillipa nodded and thanked renee again. jasmine was kind of disappointed when phillipa said she already liked someone but pushed it aside. knocks were on the door once again. this time, daveed got up to answer it. in the doorway stood oak, groff, lin and sarah. sarah had the bucket of cookie dough ice cream, oak had four bags of hot chips, groff was carrying a cake and lin had sodas. they placed their stuff in the kitchen and walked into the main room. they all situated themselves on chairs or on the floors.

"alright," sarah clapped her hands together, "should we order some pizza or something else?"

"nah let's get some pizza." anthony stated.

"alright then how may boxes this time, ramos?" jasmine asked in a teasing tone.

"as many as you can probably handle, cephas." anthony smirked.

"okay can you guys like stop?" sarah groaned, "i can literally feel the sexual tension and you two aren't even dating."

anthony groaned, "i don't like jasmine like that sarah and you know it."

"same goes for anthony." jasmine added.

sarah rolled her eyes, "yeah yeah. anyway what kind of pizza should we get?"

[another update of pen pal. i'm sorry it's taking so long to get to the juicy juicy but we getting there, i promise.]

(extra author note: this series is now a book)

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