pen pal pt 2 (f/jasippa)

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[i'm finally done with my end of course testing and i'm so happy to be finished. i'm in such a good mood to write so here's pen pal pt 2 with one of my new favorite ships. imma just say it now...i have so many jasippa prompts. @lavender_aesthitic  gave me a good smut part to continue where i left off at.]

it's been about two weeks since jasmine's class started the pen pal project. jasmine learned alot about phillipa. almost like she knew her from the back of her hand. jasmine wouldn't admit it but she was always happy when she went to her writing class. she loved writing back and forth with phillipa. she smiled when mr. russell handed her the letter. she unfolded it and read it almost immediately.

dear jazzy,

i hope you're having a great day. unlike me. i feel so bad about myself today. as you know, i've been kind of questioning myself lately and i finally figured out my true calling. i'm bisexual. i told my boyfriend, mikey, and he broke up with me. something along the line of "i don't want you if you're going to have girls and boys chasing you". i honestly don't know what he meant by that but i was upset when he broke up with me. i told my parents and they were beyond ecstatic. i'm happy that they actually support me. however, i think mikey told his friends and now there are rumors about me now. people are whispering about me as i write this letter. i'm honestly not happy right now but i'm happy now that i can write to you. can't wait to hear from you soon!



jasmine felt bad for phillipa. not about her coming out but about her ex-boyfriend. what a bitch jasmine thought. jasmine checked her binder for some paper but saw it was empty. jasmine groaned quietly. she turned around and tapped her best friend, sarah, shoulder. sarah turned and smiled when she saw it was jasmine.

"what's up, jazzy?" sarah asked.

jasmine rolled her eyes, "you got some paper?"

"of course i got some paper, jazzy." sarah scoffed, "i know how badly you want to write to your crush."

jasmine blushed, "sarah, we're not even that close."

"mhmm sure." sarah smirked.

sarah handed jasmine a piece of paper and winked. jasmine just rolled her eyes again. she grabbed her blue pen and began to write her letter to phillipa.

dear pippins,

i'm so happy for you for coming out! i'm also happy that you told me! i already came out to my parents and it was scary but i did it. we can be bisexual buddies now. anyway, i'm sorry about what happened to you and mikey. he shouldn't break up with you just because of who you are. a real man would've stayed and support you no matter what. now i wanna punch that fucker and his friends. no one should talk shit about anyone for their sexuality. especially you. you're so sweet and caring. i can't wait to meet you pippins. i'm happy i made you happy. :)



jasmine reread the letter and smiled at it. sarah cleared her throat and jasmine punched her shoulder lightly. jasmine walked up front and sat the letter on mr. russell's desk. mr. russell looked up and smiled when he saw it was jasmine.

"how come you always finich so early before all of your classmates, jasmine?" mr. russell asked her quietly.

jasmine smiled, "i just love talking to my pen pal and i'm a fast writer, sir."

mr. russell laughed, "well, i'm happy you're enjoying this project, jasmine. you can sit and go on your phone if you want."

jasmine nodded and headed back to her seat. she ignored sarah's "looks" because she didn't want to admit to her so she pulled out her phone and texted her groupchat with her friends. she saw that they were already talking about something.

we some boss ass hoes

anthony: i'm just saying that maybe i'll look good in flannel

renee: anthony, i hate to be the bearer of bad news but no you won't

daveed: renee's just jealous

renee: of anthony?!

daveed: yes :)

anthony: indeed she is :)

renee: sweetie

jazzy: does anthony want fashion advice?

anthony: not from you

jazzy: it was one time ant

anthony: yeah one time that i would love to forget

lin: omg is anthony finally changing up his style?!

daveed: i guess you could say that

renee: yeah more like destroying it

oak: sorry ant but you can't destroy something you never had

anthony: fuck all of you

daveed: oh hell yeah! orgy pile

renee: yeah hell no. i'm out 

jazzy: nah i'm good. peace 

oak: no thanks

anthony: i didn't mean for you to take it seriously, daveed

daveed: oh...

[yall like the pen pal series so far? i hope so because i love writing it!]

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