hugs from behind 3 (f/jasippa)

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jasmine sighed as she placed her notebook on the table, "okay. we should probably take a break." 

everyone nodded and went their own places. anthony came and sat next to her. they were currently at the studio recording music for anthony's upcoming album. he asked jasmine to help him.

"you alright, jas?" anthony asked her.

jasmine groaned, "no not really. i just want this to be perfect for you and your album. don't want to fuck it up like i did last time."

anthony chuckled, "jas, you didn't fuck it up. it was a hit. it sold pretty good. especially your feature on the second song."

jasmine smiled lightly, "yeah it did sell pretty good. i just haven't been in the studio ever since my ep release so i'm kind of scared, ya know?"

anthony nodded, "yeah i know. you should probably go splash some water on your face. it helps me when i'm nervous."

jasmine nodded and walked in the bathroom. at that moment, phillipa came in with some food for the group. she's done this ever since she knew that they never had time to grab some lunch. 

"hey guys! i brought food." phillipa smiled.

everyone immediately went to grab some. they loved phillipa's food and were grateful everytime she brought some. anthony walked up to phillipa and patted her shoulder.

"what's up, pips?" anthony greeted.

"nothing really. how's the recording going?" phillipa asked.

anthony rubbed the back of his neck, "it's going good for the most part but your girl doesn't think so."

phillipa sighed, "where is she now?"

anthony pointed to the counter where jasmine was talking to someone on the team. she looked better than before but was still upset. phillipa thanked anthony and walked up behind jasmine. she wrapped her arms around jasmine and kissed her cheek. 

"hey bubba." phillipa smiled.

jasmine turned her head a little and smiled when she saw it was phillipa, "hey pips. when did you get here?" 

"like some minutes ago. i heard you were feeling down a bit." phillipa explained.

jasmine sighed, "anthony told you, didn't he?"

phillipa nodded, "you wanna talk about it when you get home?"

jasmine nodded, "yeah that might be best. what'd you bring  this time?"

"ravioli." phillipa answered.

"ravioli?" jasmine raised an eyebrow.

phillipa nodded, "ravioli."

"ew." jasmine cringed.

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