ok... (a/f/jasippa)

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jasmine, phillipa and their kids we're going to phillipa's hometown to see her family. jasmine was scared to see phillipa's parents again. last time, they didn't seem to like her. that was when they were dating. now, she's married to phillipa and also meeting her family with their kids they adopted. jasmine never told phillipa about what happened but she hoped her other family members liked her. jasmine was helping james with his sweater. it was cold in illinois so they had to make sure the kids were warm. 

"momma, i'm gonna get stuck in this sweater." james whined.

jasmine smiled, "no you won't, baby."

she helped him pull the sweater over his head. she fixed his hair and brought him downstairs to bailey and phillipa. phillipa was placing hair bows in bailey's curly long hair. when phillipa finished, she smiled when she saw jasmine and james. bailey ran up to jasmine and pointed at her hair.

"look at my bows, momma!" bailey smiled.

"it looks good, hon." jasmine laughed a little. 

bailey smiled and ran back to phillipa. they checked if they had everything they needed and walked out towards the car. they buckled the kids in and drove away to phillipa's parents house. 

they arrived a little after 5 but that was okay. jasmine grabbed james while phillipa held bailey's hand as they walked up to the door. phillipa knocked and the door opened to reveal phillipa's mom. she smiled at phillipa and the kids but her smile dropped for a split second when she saw jasmine. jasmine looked away a little because she felt like she was not wanted in their house. they all walked in though and jasmine felt phillipa's mom's eyes on her as they walked in. phillipa hugged her mom and smiled at her.

"it's so nice to see you, mom!" phillipa beamed.

"it's so nice to see you too, sweetie." phillipa's mom smiled at her, "now, who are these two lovely kids you have with you today?"

"oh," phillipa spoke, "this is bailey and james. we adopted them a little after we got married."

"oh," phillipa's mom smiled faltered a little, "you two are married?"

"yes we are." phillipa smiled at jasmine.

jasmine managed to smile back at phillipa although she felt such shame when she looked at phillipa's mom. her mom was accepting of phillipa but she just didn't seem to like jasmine for some reason.

"well," phillipa's sighed, "the rest of the family are in the living room. we'll eat soon so make yourself at home."

phillipa's mom led them to the living room where they saw people conversating amongst each other. when phillipa's mom cleared her throat, everybody looked up to see the couple and the kids. jasmine especially felt the disapproving stares from her family members. phillipa had no clue and just smiled. an old lady who was in the recliner looked at jasmine with a heartwarming smile. jasmine smiled weakly back at the lady. they introduced themselves.

"it's so nice to see you all again!" phillipa beamed, "this is jasmine, my wife and our to adopted kids, bailey and james."

"awh!" phillipa's aunt, chloe, cooed, "they are absolutely adorable!"

bailey and james ran off with phillipa's little cousins while jasmine and phillipa sat down in the living room. phillipa sat next to her cousins who talked to her non stop. jasmine sat down next to the old lady in the recliner. the lady looked over to jasmine and smiled. jasmine smiled back again.

"hello dear, what's your name?" the lady asked.

"jasmine." jasmine answered.

"that's such a nice name," the lady smiled, "how's phillipa?"

"she's great." jasmine replied.

"ah that's my grand baby." the lady chuckled a little, "is she treating you well?"

"yes ma'am." jasmine answered.

"i don't know why she married her," jasmine heard phillipa's mom whisper behind her, "she's so tacky. not to mention, she's not good looking."

"i just wish that she found a man instead of her." phillipa's dad scoffed.

jasmine felt tears in her eyes and was about to get up but phillipa's grandma held her wrist.

"sit down, baby," she spoke softly, "don't worry about my ignorant daughter. you are so pretty, ok? i think you're absolutely perfect for phillipa. i never seen her this happy ever since mike. i can tell she loves you alot. please don't let my daughter get to you."

jasmine sighed, "ok...i just need to...i just need to go clear my head, if that's alright."

phillipa's grandma let go of her wrist and jasmine scurried off out the door. phillipa turned to talk to jasmine but realized she wasn't next to her. she looked around the living room but saw no sign of her anywhere. she saw her grandma on the recliner humming to herself. 

"grandma," phillipa spoke, "have you seen jasmine?"

her grandma pointed at the front door. phillipa excused herself from her cousins and walked out the door. it was a little bit colder outside than before. she saw jasmine sitting on the bench on the porch. 

"there you are jasmine." phillipa breathed in relief.

she walked over and sat down next to jasmine. jasmine quickly tried to wipe her tears away but phillipa noticed.

"jazzy, baby, what's wrong?" phillipa asked.

"n-nothing...it's s-stupid." jasmine cried.

"if something's making you this upset, then it isn't stupid." phillipa stated, "now, what's wrong, baby?"

jasmine took a deep breath, "i think your parents don't like me. when i was talking to your grandma, i heard you parents whisper some mean things about me. your mom said i was tacky and not good looking and your dad wishes you married a man instead...of me. i tried not to let them get to me but...i just felt so ashamed of mysel--"

phillipa stopped jasmine from continuing by kissing her. jasmine was shocked but kissed back also. they pulled away and phillipa grabbed her hand. 

"phillipa, what are we doing?" jasmine asked as phillipa pulled her inside the house.

phillipa dragged jasmine along and stopped in the living room. everyone turned to look at them. phillipa took a deep breath and looked towards jasmine.

"jasmine, baby, go get bailey and james and meet me down here, ok?" phillipa spoke softly to jasmine.

jasmine nodded and walked down the hall towards the room the kids were in. phillipa looked back at the living room and stared her parents down. phillipa's grandma smiled softly as she prepared herself to watch her granddaughter tell off her mother.

"first of all, how dare you?!" phillipa shouted, "you said you supported me throughout this whole exchange and then you talk about my wife behind my back?! the audacity of you two! i'm starting to think that you two were bullshitting me because when i was dating mike, you didn't say shit! when it's jasmine, someone who i am actually happy with, you wanna talk shit about her! jasmine is the best god damn person i have ever met in my love life! she's always there for me when i need her! she makes me so happy and she makes me feel better about myself! and to know that my own parents are talking shit about her, makes my fucking blood boil! mom, she is not tacky and she is so beautiful! dad, you can keep wishing and wishing but just know, that'll never fucking happen because i love her and our children!"

at the corner of her eye, she saw jasmine staring at her with a small smile. bailey and james held her hands and they smiled at phillipa. jasmine walked up to phillipa with the kids and stood next to her. jasmine grabbed phillipa's hand while james grabbed her other one. phillipa inhaled and exhaled as she looked back at her shocked family members apart from her grandma. jasmine cleared her throat.

"you ready to go, pips?" jasmine smiled.

phillipa smiled back, "yes indeed."

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