i love you, too (f/marliza)

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maria and eliza were laying in the fields. maria was looking up at the sky while eliza played with maria's fingers. maria laughed lightly as a butterfly landed on eliza's nose.

"your laugh is adorable." eliza complimented.

"you're adorable." maria smiled.

they were laying in a field far away from the village. in their village, it's wrong to be gay. you would get stoned or beaten to death. eliza's parents made sure they wouldn't get exposed. maria's parent had no idea what was happening. eliza hated that they had to hide their relationship. she wish she could kiss maria in public. she wish that they could hold hands in public. she hated that some boys in the village wanted maria. only for their personal pleasure. only for her body. eliza wanted her for so much more. wanted maria as comfort. wanted her as someone to hold. to cherish. to love. eliza sighed deeply. maria could tell something was wrong. she looked over at eliza and got up into a sitting position. eliza soon following after. not letting go of maria's hand.

"what's wrong, love?" maria asked.

"nothing." eliza sighed.

"nothing my ass." maria scoffed.

"really it's nothing." eliza spoke.

maria cupped eliza's face and kissed her. even though it lasted for a minute, maria could tell something was still up.

"i love you." maria stated.

"mhmm." eliza hummed.

"eliza, love," maria started, "something's obviously bothering you. please tell me. i just wanna help you. really. i won't hate you for whatever you say, ok?"

eliza nodded. maria removed her hands from her face and grabbed eliza's hands. she held them and placed them in front of her. maria looked at eliza. waiting for a response. eliza hesitated but she trusted maria. she took a deep breath and exhaled.

"i hate that we have to hide out." eliza spoke lowly.

"what do you mean, love?" maria asked.

"i-i just really wish that we could be public about our relationship," eliza explained, "it's terrible having to hide it. it's sad that if we go public, we'll get killed. i hate it. i really do. i wanna kiss you. i want to hold your hand. i want to do everything with you. i hate it when those boys cat call you. they only want you for your body but there's so much more. i j-just hate it so much."

at this point, eliza was sobbing. she hated herself for crying in front of her girlfriend. maria felt bad. so bad. she felt bad that eliza was feeling this way. she didn't like it that those boys keep catcalling her. all she wanted was eliza. all eliza wanted was maria. maria pulled eliza into a hug. eliza stopped crying as she heard sniffles from maria. maria lightly shook as she hugged eliza. eliza pulled maria away and looked into her eyes. maria was crying. eliza never saw maria cry. eliza quickly straddled maria's lap and cupped her face. eliza kissed maria's forehead. maria wrapped her arms around eliza and held eliza close. afraid she might go away. eliza pulled back a little bit and looked maria in the eyes.

"i'm sorry for making you cry, love." eliza whispered to maria.

"i'm sorry for not noticing your feelings." maria sniffed.

"no no no," eliza cooed, "it's ok, love. really."

maria continued to cry. she just couldn't stop the tears. eliza wiped her tears away and kissed her. maria kissed back almost immediately. savouring eliza's lips. eliza smiled into the kiss as maria kissed intensely. maria continued to kiss eliza like it'll be her last time. eliza soon pulled away only to have her neck tackled. maria bit and sucked on eliza's good spot until a hickey was made. luckily, eliza has long hair so she can easily cover it. eliza smiled at maria and maria returned the smile.

"i love you, eliza." maria smiled.

"i love you, too, maria." eliza blushed.

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