pool (f/jasippa)

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[quick a/n: school has started up again for me so i'll most likely won't be able to update like usual but i'll try my best for y'all cause i luv y'all :) ok, now on to the jasippa fluff]

"lin, why are we here?" phillipa asked.

the entire cast of hamilton were currently at the pool. lin thought it would be a good idea for them to go there during the break. everyone was down but phillipa. phillipa hated going to the pool for some strange reason but when jasmine said she was going to wear her favorite bathing suit, she had to go. 

"because it's a nice place to go." lin answered.

"i don't know about nice, lin." phillipa cringed as she saw children spitting in the pool, "it's obviously the exact opposite."

"c'mon pips, don't worry about that, let's just have fun." jasmine smiled.

phillipa groaned as jasmine held her hand. jasmine led phillipa towards the pool chairs. she sat their stuff in one of them. jasmine began to take her huge sweater and shorts off. as did phillipa. when phillipa looked back at jasmine, she gasped. jasmine was wearing a two piece bathing suit with cute little floral designs on them. jasmine pulled her hair up and a ponytail and smirked at phillipa's stare. 

"you okay, pippins?" jasmine asked in a teasing tone.

phillipa nodded slowly, "yeah i'm good. you look good."

jasmine smiled, "thank you. you look good also."

phillipa was wearing a blue two piece with light blue dots on them. jasmine smiled and grabbed phillipa's hand. she led her towards the pool. phillipa sighed and got in while jasmine sat on the side of the pool. jasmine loved the pool but she hated putting her entire bod in it so she only puts her feet. phillipa swam towards jasmine since she used the stairs. she stood between jasmine's legs and kissed her cheek. jasmine blushed and giggled.

"what was that for?" jasmine asked.

"because you look sexy as hell in this bathing suit." phillipa smiled.

"that's why i said it's your favorite." jasmine laughed.

jasmine wrapped her arms around phillipa's neck and pulled her in for a kiss. phillipa kissed back and placed her hands on jasmine's hips. they only kissed for a few seconds before they heard lin yell.

"no pda here!" lin yelled, "there's kids!"

"let them be, man." chris laughed.

they all laughed as they saw lin attempt to do a backflip in the water. although, jasmine caught a glimpse of anthony looking at them. he looked jealous. they went through a rough break up last year. anthony cheated on jasmine for a while. jasmine found out when she read his texts to some girl named rachel. jasmine confronted him about it and he got all defensive about it. anthony told her some things that left her heartbroken. they broke up at rehearsal in front of everybody. phillipa and renee were there for her during the breakup but it was mostly phillipa. phillipa was there for her when she was struggling to keep herself together. they soon both gained feelings for each other and now they are where they are. anthony was still staring at them. jasmine sighed and lowered her head. phillipa noticed and kissed her forehead.

"what's wrong, jazzy?" phillipa asked.

"anthony's looking at us." jasmine whispered.

phillipa looked over her shoulder and saw anthony glaring at them. phillipa turned back to look at jasmine and tilted her head up to look at her. phillipa got an idea and smirked evilly. jasmine furrowed her eyebrows.

"what are you planning?" jasmine asked.

"wanna make him even more jealous?" phillipa asked.

"how are we gonna do that?" jasmine asked.

phillipa leaned down and whispered in jasmine's ear, "by having a full blown makeout session."

she heard jasmine gasped quietly. phillipa laughed when jasmine nodded her head eagerly. jasmine pulled phillipa closer and immediately connected their lips. phillipa kissed back with passion as did jasmine. jasmine licked phillipa's bottom lip, asking if she could explore her mouth. phillipa replied by opening her mouth slightly. jasmine immediately reacted by doing what she loved to do most. they continued the session until jasmine pulled away, gasping for air. she looked to see anthony with his eyes wide open. he quickly looked away and walked off. jasmine smiled. 

"did it work?" phillipa asked.

jasmine pecked phillipa's lips and smiled, "it did."

"what did i say about the pda?" lin asked, "y'all had a full ass makeout session in public."

"not like you don't do that with vanessa behind stage, in public." jasmine snapped back.

"fair point." lin nodded, "but keep the pda to a minimum please."

"we can't say we will." phillipa smiled.

[it got a lil spicy. i had to add that. sorry not sorry] 

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