detention pt 2 (s/marliza)

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"wait, so you have detention for another day?" peggy asked as the group walked to the cafeteria.

"apparently so, pegs." eliza sighed.

after the first detention, eliza received another one. ms. reynolds gave her the pink slip again after class because she "talked out of turn". all she did was say "bless you" to some kid in class. talk about a strict teacher. the group finally reached the cafeteria and got their food. they sat near the back where almost no one could see them. 

"i lowkey think ms. reynolds just hates you, liz." hercules stated.

"why would anyone hate eliza, though?" angelica asked.

"she's too sweet and caring." john answered.

"yeah and people love to take advantage of that." peggy added.

"oh." eliza sighed.

"wait, where's alex and laf?" angelica asked.

"they're talking to washington." hercules replied.

"oh, eliza, you want us to walk you to ms. reynolds' classroom again?" john asked.

"no no, i can handle it myself but thanks, though." eliza reassured.

"ok then, good luck." john mumbled.


eliza grabbed all her stuff from her last class and put them all in her bag. she pulled her blue skirt down a little. the skirt was a little shorter than usual but ms. reynolds told her to wear it. her whole outfit was a button up white blouse with her short skirt and white vans. her hair was in a high ponytail with a blue ribbon keeping it together. she put her bag on her back and waved goodbye to her teacher. she walked down the halls towards ms. reynolds class. her door was closed this time. eliza took a deep breath and knocked on the door. the doors on this hallway didn't have any windows. she heard footsteps walking up to the door from the inside. the door opened to reveal ms. reynolds. she was wearing a button up red blouse with a tight fitting black skirt and high red heels. she had a red choker around her neck and her hair was down. some covering her right eye. eliza gulped as ms. reynolds looked her up and down. ms. reynolds was enjoying her view of eliza. the poor girl looked so scared and ms. reynolds absolutely loved it.

"hello ms. schuyler, how are you today?" ms. reynolds asked with a smirk on her face. 

" i'm fine." eliza blushed.

"that's good," ms. reynolds stated, "you can come in, sweets."

as eliza walked past by ms. reynolds into the classroom, ms. reynolds looked at eliza's ass and smiled to herself. she closed the door and locked it. eliza stood near the first desk and watched as ms. reynolds came closer to her. her apparent blush grew redder and redder by the time she got in front of eliza. ms. reynolds reached her hand up and caressed eliza's cheek. she then brought her face close and kissed her. the kiss was passionate and intense. eliza felt ms. reynolds pull her bag off of her and felt her pick her up by her thighs. they walked over to the teacher's desk. ms. reynolds sat eliza down and continued to kiss her passionately. she then began to kiss down eliza's neck and took eliza's ribbon out of her hair. eliza moaned softly as ms. reynolds nibbled on her sweet spot. she flinched a little when she felt her bite down. leaving a mark. ms. reynolds pulled back and admired the mark. she smirked to herself. she then leaned down to eliza's ear.

"now everyone knows you belong to me." ms. reynolds whispered.

eliza visibly shuddered to which ms. reynolds smirked to.

"eliza?" ms. reynolds asked quietly.

"yes ma'am?" eliza replied.

she felt ms. reynolds place her hand on her thigh and it began to go up towards eliza skirt. her hand reached up to the hem of the skirt and began to rub her inner thigh with her thumb. she could tell eliza was beginning to feel turned on.

"do you remember what i said before you left for your first detention?" ms. reynolds asked.

eliza froze a little and then sighed, "y-yes."

ms. reynolds smiled although eliza couldn't see, "good because you're gonna be moaning that when i get a taste of you."

eliza didn't have time to react before her teacher's hand began to rub on her clothed heat. eliza jumped a little and began to moan. ms. reynolds pulled back and sunk to her knees. she pulled up eliza's skirt and pushed aside her underwear. ms. reynolds smirked to herself and rubbed eliza's clit. eliza jerked forward and moaned out loud. ms. reynolds kept teasing her and eliza began to grow tired of the teasing.

"m-ms. r-reynolds s-stop teasing m-me!" eliza moaned out.

"not until you call me by my name, eliza." ms. reynolds smirked.

"m-mommy--ahh--please stop t-teasing m-me!" eliza moaned.

ms. reynolds pushed forward and licked around eliza fiercely. eliza moaned loudly as her teacher licked around her. she held onto ms. reynolds' curls and tugged lightly. she pulled her forward a little to get more and that's exactly what she received. ms. reynolds pushed three of her fingers into eliza at full force. eliza fell backwards on the desk and moaned out continuously as her teacher worked on her. with her three fingers and her magic tongue, eliza couldn't keep her moans fro escaping. ms. reynolds was enjoying eliza struggle to keep quiet. she was just simply doing what she does best: pleasuring people. especially eliza. eliza felt a knot in her stomach meaning she was close. ms. reynolds could tell and she pulled her mouth away. she also moved her fingers in and out of eliza at a slow pace. she laughed as she heard eliza's confused moans.

"w-why a-are you s-slowing down?" eliza asked through moans.

"i want you to beg for me to continue." ms. reynolds answered.

"p-please m-mommy--ahh!" eliza moaned out.

"what do you want, sweets?" ms. reynolds asked as she sped her fingers a little.

"p-please m-mommy i wanna--ahh--i w-wanna c-come!" eliza begged, "i-i'll be good j-just please continue p-please mommy!"

that was enough for ms. reynolds to hear as she sped her fingers in and out of eliza at a fast pace. she went back to licking around eliza. eliza wasn't expecting to get everything at once so she moaned out. ms. reynolds felt her insides tightening around her fingers and sucked onto eliza's clit. that's what set eliza off as she came all over ms. reynolds face and fingers. ms. reynolds licked her fingers and cleaned up eliza by licking her. eliza visibly tensed as she cleaned her but moaned softly also. after she was done, she pulled eliza up and kissed her lovingly. eliza kissed back and moaned softly at the sensation. they pulled away and laughed softly.

"amazing, sweets." ms. reynolds spoke.

"thank you, mommy." eliza sighed. 

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