cookie making (f/marliza)

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"c'mon maria!" eliza groaned as she tugged maria's shirt sleeve, "it'll be fun!"

"no, i don't want to." maria stated, "with you two, it's bound to be a catastrophe."

"mommy please?" susan, their daughter, pleaded, "i wanna make them with you and momma."

maria looked at susan's puppy dog eye face, "that only works on momma not me."

susan pouted, "dang it."

susan stomped over into the living room and began playing with her toys on the floor. maria went back to reading her book. eliza sighed knowing that nothing was going to make maria move. then, eliza smirked as she got an idea. eliza took maria's book from her hands and placed it on the table. maria was about to protest until she felt eliza's lips on hers. this surprised maria but she soon began to kiss back. they kissed for a while as eliza began to straddle maria's lap. maria licked eliza's bottom lip but eliza pulled away. maria pouted.

"why'd you pull away?" maria asked.

"because you don't want to make cookies with me and susan so you get no further kissing privileges." eliza explanied.

she was about to get off maria's lap until maria wrapped her arms around her securely. she heard her sigh and then she looked up at her.

"fine, i'll make cookies with you two." maria sighed.

eliza smiled, "great! let's get started."

eliza got up and grabbed her hand. she yelled to susan that they were going to bake and susan was running into the kitchen in no time. when they walked in, susan was practically jumping up and down with excitement. 

"can i help?" susan asked.

"i mean that's why you're in here right?" eliza asked.

susan nodded, "yay! what do i do?"

maria walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a big mixing bowl for then to use. she handed to susan and told her to put it on the counter. susan had her own little step stool in the kitchen when she wanted to help cook with eliza. maria wasn't much of a cooker but she sometimes helped with them also. susan stood on the stool and placed the bowl on the counter. eliza already grabbed all the ingredients and they were on the counter also. maria grabbed the utensils and walked over to them. 

they began putting the ingredients in the bowl. after a while, eliza started mixing up the ingredients while susan stood in awe. eliza was satisfied with the result of her mixing and went to grab a cookie sheet. susan looked at the cookie dough in awe. she looked up at maria.

"mommy, can i eat this?" susan asked.


"no." eliza stated when she came back.

"why can't she eat it?" maria asked, "i ate it most of my young life and look how i am now."

eliza rolled her eyes, "she could get sick because of the raw egg we put in it, bubba."

"better than nothing." maria shrugged.

eliza shook her head as she looked down at susan, "no you can't eat it. you could get sick."

"aww." susan pouted.

"anyways, "eliza spoke, "let's put this cookie dough to use."

the little family began placing circle shaped cookie dough on the cookie sheet. after placing as many would go on there, eliza placed them in the oven. they walked back to the couch to watch a movie since it was going to take quite a while for them to get done. they decided on watching hercules. eliza snuggled up next to maria while susan sat between them. 

"did you have fun baking with us, mommy?" susan asked maria.

"yeah did you?" eliza asked.

maria sighed, "i hate to admit it but i did. i'm surprised that you two didn't start a flour war yet."

"believe me, i wanted to so bad but i had to keep myself together." eliza admitted.

[a/n sorry for not uploading anything for a while. school has been a stress for me so i couldn't upload anything. but i have loads of prompts for the ships]

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