nifty pt 2 (s/jasippa)

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[it's finally here bitches. now lavender_aesthitic can stop pestering me about uploading it]

phillipa finished cooking and placed two plate full of food on the table. 

"jasmine, dinner's ready!" phillipa shouted.

"coming!" jasmine yelled from upstairs. 

she soon came down wearing a spaghetti strap t-shirt with red sweatpants and fuzzy socks. she was currently putting her hair up in a bun while she walked to her seat. she sat down and phillipa sat down across from her. 

"this smells amazing, pips." jasmine smiled.

"thank you." phillipa blushed.

throughout dinner, they talked about their day but phillipa couldn't get the thought of jasmine dominating her like she did in the kitchen. she would never admit it but she did indeed enjoy being dominated by her lover. jasmine saw that phillipa was chewing her food rather slowly while staring blankly at the table. 

"hey pips, you okay?" jasmine asked.

phillipa looked up, "huh? y-yeah i'm fine."

"you sure?" jasmine asked, "you look really deep in thought right now."

"just thinking about...things." phillipa replied.

jasmine leaned in closer towards phillipa, "what 'things' are you thinking about, pips?"

phillipa blushed, "'s's nothing important."

jasmine leaned back, "if you say so, pips."

jasmine grabbed her plate and put it in the sink. she walked back upstairs into their room. phillipa sighed and also placed her plate in the sink. she washed both of the plates and dried her hands. she began to put the food up in containers and put them inside the refrigerator. she just decided to wash the pots she used tomorrow and headed upstairs. she walked in the room to see jasmine laying on the bed, scrolling through her phone. phillipa grabbed some pajamas, blue short sleeved shirt and black shorts, and changed in the bathroom. as phillipa was changing, she still couldn't get the thought out of her head. no matter how much she tried, she just loved thinking about jasmine doing whatever she pleased to her. it was embarrassing to her. she hurriedly put on her clothes and threw them into the hamper. she tried her best to get rid of the apparent blush on her face and walked out. she saw jasmine was now laying on her back. she was facing phillipa although her eyes were closed. phillipa saw she left the light on and walked around the bed to turn it off. she walked back to her side and slipped into bed. she kissed jasmine's cheek and turned around so that her back was facing jasmine. she didn't fall asleep immediately like she always did, though. instead, she was wide awake looking at the wall. she heard jasmine shift a little in her sleep and felt her arm wrap around her torso. she tensed up a little when she felt jasmine's hand move under her shorts. 

"jasmine?" phillipa spoke quietly.

"hm?" jasmine mumbled.

"what are you doing?" phillipa asked.

"do you want me to stop?" jasmine asked as she placed her chin in the crook of phillipa's neck.

"n-no." phillipa shakily replied as she felt jasmine kiss her neck.

jasmine chuckled darkly, "alrighty then."

jasmine's hand reached her pussy and her fingers began to work their magic. phillipa gasped at the moment jasmine's fingers rubbed her clit. jasmine smiled and moved her other arm under the side of phillipa to reach her boob. she slipped her hand under phillipa's shirt and pinched her nipple. phillipa flinched and moaned quietly. while jasmine was distracting phillipa with nipple play, she placed two fingers in her. phillipa moaned out loud at the movement. jasmine didn't start slowly. she immediately set the pace as soon as her fingers were in. phillipa reached her had down and placed it on top of jasmine's. 

"oh god." phillipa moaned out.

"do you like it, babe?" jasmine asked.

"yes." phillipa gasped.

jasmine rubbed her clit with her thumb and inserted a third finger. phillipa cried out a moan as she felt herself building up. 

"j-jas...ah!" phillipa moaned out.

"what's up?" jasmine asked.

"i-i'm c-close, baby." phillipa moaned.

jasmine took that as a sign to speed up. she took her fingers out much to phillipa's disapproval but inserted three of them at once which cause phillipa to scream out her name. phillipa turned so she was now on her back. jasmine kept the same pace and started to tease phillipa by slowing down. phillipa groaned when she realized what jasmine was doing.

"f-faster." phillipa breathed out.

"faster what?" jasmine teased.

"faster p-please." phillipa moaned.

jasmine sped up her fingers to which phillipa screamed out to. phillipa's hair was all over her face and her mouth was ajar. jasmine loved the sight. she kissed phillipa's neck. she felt phillipa's walls tighten around her fingers and rubbed her clit. that set phillipa off as she came on jasmine's fingers. jasmine moved down to phillipa's shorts and pulled them down to get down to the bundle of nerves to clean around it with her tongue. she heard phillipa gasp whenever she lightly grazed over her clit. jasmine licked her lips once she finished and kissed phillipa. as she was kissing phillipa, she pulled her shorts back up. when they pulled away, jasmine saw phillipa trying to keep her eyes open. 

"damn, i must be really good for you to go to sleep when i'm done." jasmine laughed and laid down next to phillipa.

"you have no idea." phillipa mumbled sleepily

[i loved writing this tbh.]

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