pen pal pt 5 (f/jasippa)

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"so this is your dorm room?" phillipa asked.

they walked into jasmine's dorm room after they said their goodbyes to the others. phillipa looked around in awe at the posters jasmine had on her wall. jasmine nodded as to answer her question. 

"yeah, it's kinda messy." jasmine shrugged.

phillipa laughed, "it's not as messy as my room back home."

jasmine scoffed, "if you say so."

"so where would i be staying?" phillipa asked.

jasmine led her to the other empty room in the dorm. she opened the door for phillipa. phillipa walked in and sat her suitcases on the bed. she sat on the bed also. jasmine just stood at the door. phillipa took a deep breath and sighed.

"you okay?" jasmine asked with a raised eyebrow.

"yeah i'm fine." phillipa smiled, "it's just that brooklyn is so different from libertyville."

jasmine walked in the room and sat at the desk chair, "yeah it's not quiet up here but people are used to it. how's libertyville?"

"quiet kind of but it's beautiful." phillipa answered, "aren't your friends coming over soon?"

jasmine nodded, "yeah. it's movie night in my dorm tonight."

phillipa cocked her head to the side a little, "movie night?"

"you don't know what movie night is?" jasmine asked.

phillipa shook her head, "never heard of it."

jasmine smiled, "well then, you're in for a treat."

"how so?" phillipa asked.

"it's the day where we eat as much junk as possible, watch movies and pass out on the floor." jasmine explained.

"is this what all friends do?" phillipa asked.

"nah, were just special." jasmine giggled a little bit.

phillipa smiled. jasmine got up and began walking towards the door.

"i'll leave you alone so you can unpack." jasmine stated, "if you need anything, i'll be in my room. 'kay?"

phillipa nodded. jasmine closed the door and walked inside her room. she sat on her bed and pulled out her phone. she was scrolling through her social medias when she saw she got a message from sarah. she opened the nonification.


so, how's phillipa?

she's just unpacking now. why you wanna know?

because you need to stop being a pussy and admit you like her, idiot

sarah, i don't like her

mhmm sure

i'm serious! why do you all think that i like her?

jasmine, you guys literally ran up and hugged each other in front of everybody. no one else in the class did that but you two

ok but that's what friends do

we have literally never done that before. tf you talking about?

whatever. are you guys still coming over for movie night?

yep. we might play 7 minutes of heaven if your dumbass doesn't admit to her tonight

sarah, i won't admit because i don't like her

mhmm time will tell sweets. anyways, i gtg. i'm bringing that weird ice cream you like

cookie dough is so good

blegh no

whatever. see you later


jasmine heard a knock on her door. she placed her phone on the bedside table and sat up. 

"come in." jasmine shouted.

the door opened to reveal phillipa. jasmine smiled at her.

"you ok?" jasmine asked.

"yeah yeah i'm ok." phillipa nodded, "i just need some help with picking out some clothes."

jasmine raised an eyebrow, "for what?"

"you said your friends were coming over right?" phillipa asked.

"yeah but you don't have to dress up." jasmine laughed, "just dress casual or in like your pajamas or something."

phillipa nodded and smiled, "oh ok. i will try. thanks jasmine." 

"you're welcome." jasmine smiled.

phillipa closed the door and walked to her room. after she closed the door, jasmine sighed and laid back down on the bed. she blushed as she remembered the memory of them huging when they first met. jasmine grabbed her phone and tapped on sarah's contact.


damn it sarah. i hate to admit it but you are right again this time

yeah i know. i could've told you this like a few minutes ago. smh. now how are you gonna tell her? 

that's the problem. how the hell am i gonna tell her? what if she doesn't feel the same?

i might have an idea or two

i hate this plan already but i'll give it a go

[finally updated the series. hope you enjoyed this!]

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