never in a million years (a/f/marliza)

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tw mentions of abuse and mentions of self harm

"why?" maria asked eliza.

eliza stopped eating her food and looked up at maria, "why what?"

maria sighed, "why did you save me?"

"in general?" eliza asked as she placed her food on the coffee table.

maria nodded. eliza grabbed the remote and paused the show they were watching. eliza turned her whole body towards maria and grabbed her hands. 

"because i saw how broken you were." eliza responded, "i saw it in your eyes. you were hurting so much and hurting yourself in the process. i had to save you from the torture you were going through."

"i deserved it though." maria sighed, "you should've left me with him."

"no, i shouldn't have and i didn't." eliza stated, "james was a bastard. he hurt you to points of where you had to be hospitalized. hell, even points of when i was afraid of if you would ever wake up. james wasn't a lover. he was a fucking bastard who deserves what he's getting in prison right now."

maria was silent for a second and then she spoke.

"why'd you date me in highschool?" maria asked, "i was the infamous school slut and you were the popular girl. when people found out, why weren't you ashamed?"

eliza giggled, "why would i be ashamed of dating someone so beautiful. you weren't a slut in my eyes. i thought you were the most prettiest girl i had ever seen. i honestly don't know how i got you. i wasn't ashamed when i would walk down the halls holding your hand. i wasn't ashamed when i would walk up to your locker and kiss you before every class. i wasn't ashamed to share funny stories with you on the school's rooftop. i wasn't ashamed of any second we had in highschool together."

"are you ashamed now?" maria asked.

"the answer is no. there's nothing for me to be ashamed of." eliza smiled.

"why'd you marry me?" maria asked as she played with the rings on her ring finger.

eliza noticed and grabbed her ring finger and played with it also.

"because when you first told me you loved me, i knew at that moment, i wanted to marry this woman." eliza smiled, "it's not just the fact you told me, it's that fact that even though you were scared to love again, you still showed me love and stated that you did love me."

maria smiled, "i would admit. i was scared to love someone again."

"why?" eliza asked.

"i was scared that you would treat me the same as james." maria admitted, "i was afraid that you being all sweet and kind was an act. just like his was. then i realized, you were being genuine with me. took alot of convincing but i came to terms with the fact that you would never hurt me."

eliza kissed her cheek, "never in a million years i would ever dream of it."

[kind of short but that's all for this part.]

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