when is she coming back, momma? (a/jasippa)

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"momma?" jasmine heard bailey speak as she was sitting in her bed. jasmine put her book down and looked up at bailey, "yes sweetie?"

bailey shuffled her feet a little bit before speaking up, "when is mommy coming back?"

jasmine inhaled sharply at the question. her and phillipa got a divorce just last year. things weren't working so well between them but they kept that away from the kids. phillipa one day handed jasmine the divorce papers and left her there to sign them. jasmine hated the fact that they couldn't work things out. they tried and tried and tried but it wasn't enough. the divorce was official last year june. phillipa has been doing well from what jasmine can see from her instagram post. she has a boyfriend now and they have a daughter together. jasmine wasn't doing so well on her end. she hasn't found anyone because she wasn't interested in being with someone now. she never showed it in front of bailey and james but she was breaking inside. the divorce really hurt her. she wanted phillipa back but she knew she was happy and she didn't want to change that. jasmine closed her book and placed it on the nightstand near the bed. she patted the space next to her on the bed and bailey got in quickly. 

"when is she coming back, momma?" bailey asked again.

jasmine sighed, "i...she's...i don't think she'll be coming back, bails."

"why not?" bailey asked.

"me and mommy aren't together anymore." jasmine admitted.

"b-but you in mommy loved each other very much!" bailey cried.

"we did but...we just grew apart, bails."

"does mommy not love us anymore, momma?" bailey asked.

"no no! she loves you and james so much!"

"but what about you, momma? does she love you so much?"

jasmine's eyes widened and she sighed as she closed them, "i don't think she does anymore but i know she still loves you and james, 'kay?"

"okay. i love you, momma." bailey said as she kissed jasmine's cheek. she got down from the bed and went back to her room. jasmine turned of the lamp on the nightstand and rolled over on her side. she did what she always done at night: cry her eyes out until she fell asleep. 

short angst but u get the idea

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