yep...that's me (f/jasippa)

271 14 17

[credit to a writing prompt book on wattpad. i forgot which one tho so i'm sorry :(]

to say that phillipa was embarrassed would be an understatement. she was beyond that. just a few minutes ago, she embarrassed herself in front of the entire office faculty along with her crush, jasmine cephas jones. she'd been crushing on her ever since she first met her. but that's beside the point right now. phillipa mentally slapped herself because of what she did. she tripped. not just any type of trip but like a trip down the stairs. she was walking to fast and didn't see where she was going so she tripped. almost everybody saw it happen. some laughed while others were concerned. but as soon as she saw jasmine look at her, she darted off. now, she resides in a storage locker. she should get out because she has to go upstairs to work. she took a deep breath and walked out. thank go no one saw her leave. she didn't want to use the stairs for obvious reasons so she decided on taking the elevator. she tapped the 3 on the side of the elevator and waited for the doors to open. when they did, she walked in and was about to take off until she heard a voice.

"keep the doors open please!" the voice shouted.

phillipa placed her arm in front of the doors to keep them open for whoever wanted to get on. she saw jasmine walking towards the door and immediately blushed. jasmine thanked her and got on. phillipa nodded and waited as the doors closed. it was an awkward silence before jasmine spoke up.

"you're the one that tripped down the stairs, aren't you?" jasmine asked.

phillipa nodded, "yep...that's me."

"are you okay?" jasmine asked.

"yeah, i'm fine." phillipa answered.

jasmine smiled, "alrighty then."

the elevator was going smoothly for a bit before it came to a stop. not on the floor it was headed to though. phillipa immediately began t panic.

"we're gonna fucking die." phillipa muttered.

jasmine wanted to laugh but didn't because it seemed like if phillipa continued to panic, she might pass out. jasmine grabbed phillipa's shoulders and looked her in the eye.

"we're not gonna die," jasmine stated, "don't think like that. i'm sure the front clerk knows. just try to calm down."

"ok ok ok." phillipa muttered.

phillipa walked to one of the corners of the elevator and sat down. jasmine sat across from her on the other corner. they sat in silence while scrolling through their phones or looking around. phillipa sighed as her phone died. 

"great." phillipa groaned.

jasmine looked up, "what's up?"

"nothing. my phone just died." phillipa sighed.

jasmine nodded, "wanna watch a funny video of a cat taking a bath?"

phillipa looked up almost immediately, "yes."

after several minutes of looking at videos together, it was back to silence. phillipa looked up to see jasmine looking right back at her. phillipa blushed and turned her head. she heard jasmine giggle. 

"are you okay, phillipa?" jasmine teased, "did you hurt your head when you fell down the stairs?"

"n-no, i'm peachy." phillipa pouted.

jasmine laughed lowly, "god, you're cute."

phillipa looked back at jasmine, "what?"

"i said 'god, you're cute'." jasmine replied.

"you think...i'm cute?" phillipa asked, "after i just embarrassed myself in front of the entire world?"

"entire office, phillipa." jasmine rolled her eyes.

phillipa waved it off, "same difference and i think you're cute too."

"good, because if you didn't, i would've open the doors to this elevator and run towards the wall hard enough to give myself a concussion so i don't remember me embarrassing myself in front of you." jasmine explained.

phillipa blinked twice at jasmine, "that's...alot to take in."

jasmine laughed and grabbed phillipa's hand, "so, i, jasmine cephas jones thinks the girl who fell down the stairs is cute and you think i'm cute also?"

"yep." phillipa smiled.

"and you're the girl who fell down the stairs, aren't you?" jasmine asked.

"yep...that's me." phillipa responded

[yeah ngl..i kinda hate this one...ugh i might actually delete it later]

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