queens pt 2 (f/marliza)

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"maria, sweetie, what are you doing?" eliza asked as she rubbed the top of maria's head. maria was laying down near eliza's baby bump. she was talking to the baby quietly. eliza rolled her eyes, "they can't hear you, mari."

maria looked up at eliza and frowned, "b-but what if--"

"what if their ears are magically there already?"

maria shrugged, "you never know. i need them to know that i love them."

"i'm pretty sure they know that already, darling. you talk to them almost all the time."

"yeah well what if they don't know?"

eliza rolled her eyes again, "i'm positive that they do know." maria sighed and crawled back up to cuddle with eliza. she laid her head on eliza's chest to feel her heartbeat and closed her eyes, "are you scared, lizzie?"

"scared for what, baby?" eliza asked as she played with maria's curls.

"like are you scared to have a kid?" eliza thought for a second until she smiled and laughed a little, "no not really."

"how come?" 

"because i have you to help me out. i know that you wouldn't leave me." maria looked up at eliza, "how do you know that?"

"baby, you were talking to my baby bump just a few minutes ago. if that's not enough proof, then i don't know what is."

"that is enough proof actually. thank you, baby." maria smiled as she pecked eliza's lips, "i can always count on you to keep me grounded."

"yeah because then you'll go crazy." eliza snickered. maria threw a pillow at her which made eliza laughed harder.

kinda short but i'm back from my little on and off hiatus

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