red and blue pt 1 (f/a/marliza)

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eliza woke up by someone pinching her face. she stirred awake and saw it was angelica. she was looking at eliza with an angry and annoyed face. 

"wake up. we gotta go to school. hurry it up." angelica spat as she walked out the room.

eliza sighed as she laid up in her bed. she stayed there for a good five minutes until she decided to get up. she picked out her clothes for today, a blue, long, oversized sweater with black leggings, and took a quick shower. she put on her white converses and grabbed her backpack. she made sure she grabbed her phone also and headed downstairs. there, her mom was currently putting waffles on the dining table while angelica and peggy sat next to each other giggling. eliza sighed and walked up to the table. angelica took one look at eliza and groaned.

"we were suppose to wear our skirts and our short sleeve shirts today, eliza." angelica sighed.

eliza looked down as she sat in her seat, "s-sorry. i forgot."

"well stop forgetting. it's embarrassing." angelica hissed.

"now angelica, stop being rude to eliza. i thought i told you about that." their mom, catherine, spoke up as she handed them all a plate, "be nice to your sisters."

angelica rolled her eyes, "yeah alright but don't ever do that again, eliza."

eliza just nodded and grabbed some waffles.


"okay girls. i'll pick you up after school, 'kay?" catherine told them as they got out the car.

"yes mom. we got it i promise." peggy smiled. 

"okay. love you." catherine smiled

"love you too." the sisters said together.

catherine drove away and as soon as she was out of sight, angelica slapped eliza across the cheek.

"ow! what the heck was that for?" eliza asked as she placed a hand on her cheek.

angelica smirked, "no reason. i just wanted to do it. c'mon peggy. we gotta meet up with theo and antoinette." 

eliza frowned as they walked away happily. she sighed and walked into the school. she opened her locker but when she opened it, a bunch of small pieces of papers came out. she already knew what they were since she heard snickering all around her. she got on her knees and picked up every piece without reading the harsh words that she knew were on them. this was the usual for her: get woken up harshly by angelica, get pestered by angelica and peggy before going in school and then get bullied throughout school. nothing has changed this routine. the bullying got to the point where she had to bring extra clothes with her. she was about to grab another piece but someone grabbed it for her. she looked up to see the most popular girl, maria reynolds. maria grabbed some of the last pieces and took the rest from eliza. she walked to one of the trashcans in the hallway and threw them in there. maria walked back to eliza and smiled. 

"hello eliza." maria smirked.

eliza rolled her eyes, "hey maria. how are you?"

maria shrugged, "i'm doing pretty good now."

"why is that?" eliza asked.

"because i got to see you first thing in the morning." maria teased.

eliza stifled a laugh and punched maria softly in the arm, "shut up, you freaking tease."

eliza never had friends before. so having the most popular girl as your friend was a big deal. they became friends about a week after eliza's bullying. maria was the new kid but soon became the most popular girl. maria had friends but she loved to hang out with eliza. eliza loved the company and she loved being around maria. 

"liz, we gotta teach you how to curse." maria laughed.


"because i can't take you seriously when you replace 'fuck' with 'frick fack'." maria snickered.

"well i hate cursing so i'm not gonna do it. deal with it." eliza smiled.

maria smiled and put a loose piece of eliza's hair behind her ear which caused eliza to blush, "i'll deal with it proudly."

"oh cut it out! i'm going to class." eliza sighed and grabbed her books from her locker, "make sure you're in ms. liv's class today."

"why?" maria asked.

"we have a project and i don't wanna be partnered up with antoinette again." eliza explained as she walked away.

"i mean who would want ot be partnered up with her anyways." maria murmured as she caught up to eliza.

"why are you following me?" eliza questioned.

"we have the same first class, eliza." maria answered.

"yeah but like, you skip almost every class."

maria shrugged, "well, i have a change of heart. i wanna make sure i can get as much knowledge as possible in my head."

"you just wanna go because we have a substitute today don't you?" eliza smiled.

"yeah pretty much and i get to sit next to you." maria smiled.

"what's so special about that?" 

"i get to stare at your pretty face." maria smirked.

eliza's eyes widened and she mumbled, "you fucking tease."

"ha! so you can curse!" maria exclaimed excitedly.

"shut up!" eliza laughed.

[wow. first part is terrible. i hate it. i really do. i hate how i started this....should i delete this???? maybe. n e ways, enjoy this new series]

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